A ping for CoAP, the constrained Application Protocol written in C.
First of all, I want to say that there is a code with the same name written for ruby by cabo that does more or less the same as my code does. But he did it before me. You can find it here.
- Send three CoAP empty
datagrams to vs0.inf.ethz.ch, port 12345:
coaping -n 3 -p 12345 vs0.inf.ethz.ch
- Send infinite CoAP empty
datagrams to vs0.inf.ethz.ch, default coAP port:
coaping vs0.inf.ethz.ch
coaping -n 0 vs0.inf.ethz.ch
The expected output for the last example should look like this:
PING idvm-infk-mattern04.inf.ethz.ch ( port: 5683
4 bytes from idvm-infk-mattern04.inf.ethz.ch ( type=RST time=29.39 ms
4 bytes from idvm-infk-mattern04.inf.ethz.ch ( type=RST time=30.51 ms
4 bytes from idvm-infk-mattern04.inf.ethz.ch ( type=RST time=31.84 ms
4 bytes from idvm-infk-mattern04.inf.ethz.ch ( type=RST time=30.55 ms
4 bytes from idvm-infk-mattern04.inf.ethz.ch ( type=RST time=30.25 ms
4 bytes from idvm-infk-mattern04.inf.ethz.ch ( type=RST time=29.27 ms
4 bytes from idvm-infk-mattern04.inf.ethz.ch (
type=RST time=28.96 ms
--- ping statistics ---
7 packets transmitted, 7 received, 0 errors, 0% packet loss