Web application which shows latest currencies, gold price and convert any amount to another currency. To use converter user has to have account.
To open app in your own IDE clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/KamilaNowak/currency-app.git
And run Docker procedures to run the application
docker build -f Dockerfile -t <App name>:<version> .
Check what ID has created image and run the application
docker run -p 8000:8080 <Image ID>
- Spring Framework - The web framework
- Spring WebFlux - Spring Reactive library
- Hibernate - Framework for managing data
- Maven - Dependency Management
- PostgreSQL - Database
- Bootstrap 4 - CSS framework
- Thymeleaf - Template engine for HTMLs
- Heroku - Server where app is deployed
- Kamila Nowak - Initial work - KamilaNowak
This project is licensed under the MIT License