本工程为装备有较先进水平设施的智能大厦。该工程地下为2层,其中地下1层内局部设夹层,地下建筑范围为:①∽ 14 / A ∽ E ,建筑平面尺寸为:109.2×34.4 m;地上为5层,局部为6层,地上建筑范围为:①∽ 14 / A ∽ C ,其中南北方向北侧向南缩进12.3 m,南侧向北缩进2.6 m,建筑平面尺寸为:115.2×16.8 m。
Abstract In Wenchuan Earthquake, stairs of frame structures were severely damaged. Some typical types of seismic damage are listed in this paper. The seismic property and damage feature of different kind of stair layout is analyzed by numerical method. Advices on design method of stair in frame structure are proposed.