West Virginia University
Business and Economics
With the advancement of new technology, labor productivity has increased over the past several decades. However, the distributional consequence of high technology advancement causes large rise in income inequality since the late 1970s.... more
There is a near universal consensus among historians that the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) was central in shaping the American landscape. Its putative anti-urban bias is used to explain both the rise of white, middle-class suburbs... more
- by Judge Glock
While researchers have pointed to numerous methods of expanding state capacity in the Progressive Era, the literature has overlooked the creation of nominally private companies relying on implicit government guarantees, later known as... more
- by Judge Glock
Ecologically-motivated authoritarianism flourished initially during the 1970s but largely disappeared after the decline of socialism in the late-1980s. Today, ‘eco-authoritarianism’ is beginning to reassert itself, this time modeled not... more
Global climate change is one of the most widely discussed problems of our time. However, many libertarian thinkers have not participated in the ethical dimensions of this discussion due to a narrow focus on the scientific basis for... more
Paul Taylor has argued that all living organisms have equal inherent worth. David Schmidtz objects, insisting that there is little to be gained by talk of “equality” in interspecific contexts. On Schmidtz’s view, ethicists should be... more
Personal carbon footprints have become a subject of major concern among those who worry about global climate change. Conventional wisdom holds that individuals have a duty to reduce their impacts on the climate system by restricting their... more
“Free-market” environmentalists argue that attempts to promote environmentalist objectives through political channels should be abandoned, for they instantiate inappropriate forms of rent-seeking or moral oppression. On these... more
Kevin Elliott observes that environmental protection efforts often benefit humans, not just because the natural environment is useful, but also because activities that result in environmental protections can also promote a range of other... more
In recent years, food activists have condemned industrialized agricultural systems for contributing to pollution, environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, economic insecurity, and political inequality. On the basis of such concerns,... more
Defenders of “free-market" environmentalism have often appealed to the writings of F.A. Hayek to support their favored approaches to environmental political economy. Yet Hayek’s power to vindicate such perspectives is controversial. In... more
Liberal political theory seeks to enable diverse groups to coexist respectfully despite their differences. According to liberals, this requires embracing certain political institutions and refraining from imposing controversial views on... more