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zachleat’s avatarzachleat’s Twitter Archive

46,288 tweets


  1. 🔘 GitHub Starter 🔘 GitHub Home Basic 🔘 GitHub Home Premium 🔘 GitHub Professional 🔘 GitHub Enterprise 🔘 GitHub Ultimate
  2. as a programmer and as a parent, I’m always cleaning up shit created by a younger version of myself
  3. More fundamentals! Less frameworks! Skills with long shelf lives (unordered): * HTML * CSS * JavaScript * Progressive Enhancement * Accessibility * Typography * Usability * Design * Clean Code and writing Testable Code Lots of gold here: sizovs.net/2018/12/17/stop-learning-frameworks/ via @nicknisi
  4. please enter a password that has 8 characters or less
  5. when the font-size is too small but they used maximum-scale=1
  6. proposal: make “framework” a standard unit of time “I’ve been working at this job for 4.6 frameworks”


  1. I will not participate on Twitter while D*nald Tr*mp has an active account. #VoteWithYourTweet Use your voice. Join us on votewithyourtweet.com/
  2. see y’all on mastodon 👋🏻 twitter, thanks for all the fish 🐟 zachleat.com/@zachleat
  3. This is one hour from now! @buildWithLit/1591173922678079489
  4. I’ve been sad for years about how the algorithmic timeline dampens your reach on Twitter but I didn’t realize how bad it was until I went all-in on in Mastodon. Mastodon is amazing and collaborative—folks are more likely to re-share posts over there. Join us!
  5. New blog post: Use defer-hydration in your Web Components for… well, deferred hydration. zachleat.com/web/defer-hydration/ (now supported in <is-land> v3.0!) Inspired by @develwoutacause!
  6. my notifications tab is showing 7 day old notifications—I assume this is those 1000 RPCs finally finishing an old batch? #MuskMeltdown
    Screenshot of the twitter notifications tab showing a quote tweet from @eleven_ty postsed on November 2nd
  7. “I mean it’s one thousand RCP calls, Michael. What could it cost? Ten dollars?”
  8. try to download your archive in your account settings, if it’s not too late 😭 @IanColdwater/1592188128944705537
  9. Twitter trends: What’s happening: Who to follow: I am on mastodon let’s be friends over there ok bye zachleat.com/@zachleat
  10. Had a lot of fun doing this @WebJoyFM episode! Thanks for having me on @EddieHinkle! @WebJoyFM/1592179007097024512
  11. a huge yikes to everyone endorsing musk and buying the twitter verified check mark today
  12. The video is up for the panel I was on at @jamstackconf earlier this week: Open source software is out to end the framework wars zachleat.com/web/jamstackconf-oss-panel/ Alongside @RyanCarniato, @FredKSchott, @ThePunderWoman, @IamNuxt, and moderated by @NikkitaFTW!
  13. Let’s be honest: this site is worse than ever. A lot of friends have rightfully abandoned this mismanaged mess. But we are having good, productive, friendly conversations over on Mastodon! Join us! I’m at zachleat.com/@zachleat
  14. Day 2 of @jamstackconf kicks off with @seldo giving us all the details from the Jamstack Community Survey: “Remote work is here to stay.” #JamstackConf
    Laurie Voss on stage at Jamstack Conf, the slide reads: Remote work is here to stay
  15. went to talk to elon about the best mastodon instances today
    Me standing outside Twitter headquarters

I’ve retweeted other tweets 7,062 times (15.3%)

Most Retweeted

  1. eleven_ty 195 retweets
  2. scottjehl 135 retweets
  3. zachleat 132 retweets
  4. nejsconf 101 retweets
  5. beep 93 retweets
  6. nebraskajs 80 retweets
  7. davatron5000 76 retweets
  8. PixelAmbacht 67 retweets
  9. smashingmag 65 retweets
  10. jaffathecake 62 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

  1. buildWithLit 2 retweets
  2. eleven_ty 2 retweets
  3. cdvillard 2 retweets
  4. WebJoyFM 1 retweet
  5. nitya 1 retweet
  6. justinfagnani 1 retweet
  7. LisaBloom 1 retweet
  8. whitep4nth3r 1 retweet

Replies and Mentions

65.1% of my tweets are replies (×30,141)

Most Replies To

  1. davatron5000 423 replies
  2. benbrignell 359 replies
  3. mattdsteele 297 replies
  4. DavidDarnes 256 replies
  5. nicknisi 241 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. HenriHelvetica 4 replies
  2. patak_dev 3 replies
  3. devslashkev 2 replies
  4. techytacos 2 replies
  5. ksylor 2 replies

I’ve sent someone a mention 1,306 times (2.8%)

76.6% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (6,259 of 8,174)

85.7% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (12 of 14)

Top Domains

  1. twitter.com 2186 tweets
  2. github.com 1016 tweets
  3. zachleat.com 534 tweets
  4. dropboxusercontent.com 196 tweets
  5. 11ty.dev 181 tweets
  6. youtube.com 123 tweets
  7. netlify.com 122 tweets
  8. google.com 104 tweets
  9. mozilla.org 100 tweets
  10. filamentgroup.com 95 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. twitter.com 2167 tweets
  2. github.com 957 tweets
  3. www.zachleat.com 483 tweets
  4. dl.dropboxusercontent.com 196 tweets
  5. www.11ty.dev 140 tweets
  6. www.youtube.com 123 tweets
  7. css-tricks.com 81 tweets
  8. www.filamentgroup.com 75 tweets
  9. codepen.io 66 tweets
  10. developer.mozilla.org 56 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 34,239 retweets and ❤️ 271,619 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 😅 used 1311 times on 1216 tweets
  2. ❤️ used 585 times on 513 tweets
  3. 🏆 used 474 times on 357 tweets
  4. 😎 used 430 times on 406 tweets
  5. 👀 used 408 times on 219 tweets

436 unique emoji on 5,802 tweets (14.8% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. smashingconf used 34 times
  2. perfnow used 17 times
  3. velocityconf used 13 times
  4. jamstackconf used 13 times
  5. swomaha used 12 times

560 hashtags on 557 tweets (1.4% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

  1. s_it used 97 times on 95 tweets
  2. h_ll used 91 times
  3. d_mn used 91 times on 90 tweets
  4. a_s used 21 times
  5. h_ used 11 times on 9 tweets

386 swear words on 379 tweets (1.0% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets