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The GNIE Matching Taxon Name Service accepts a Protonym UUID, and returns a list of taxon names related to the indicated Protonym, including alternate spellings and combinations (homotypic synonyms), junior heterotypic synonyms, and senior heterotypic synonyms. These represent all variants known to exist; no effort is made to represent the taxonomically “correct” treatment.
: The Protonym UUID for the name (or terminal component of a binomial/trinomial/etc.) represented in each returned record. For homotypic synonyms and alternate spellings, this is the same UUID that is input into the service. For records representing senior heterotypic synonyms for the provided Protonym, this is the UUID for the protonym of the senior heterotypic synonym.
: The Protonym UUID for the accepted name (or terminal component of a binomial/trinomial/etc.) of each returned record. For homotypic synonyms and alternate spellings, this is the same UUID that is input into the service. For records representing junior heterotypic synonyms for the provided Protonym, this is the UUID for the protonym of the junior heterotypic synonym.
: A pipe(|)-delimted array of UUIDs, representing the Protonym for each component of the full name. For uninomials, there is only one UUID; for binomials, there are two; for trinomials, there are three; etc.
: The full formatted taxon name, including authorship and year.
: A numeric value representing one of the major nomenclatural Codes: 0=Unspecified; 1=ICNafp; 2=ICZN; 3=Bacteriological; 4=ICNCP; 5=Viral; 6=ICPN.
: The particular taxonomic rank for each name record.
: An indication of whether the record represents a homotypic synonym or alternate spelling (0), a junior heterotypic synonym (-1), or a senior heterotypic synonym (1) of the provided protonym UUID.
: The number of References indexed in the Global Names Usage Bank that treated the name in each particular way.
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A static documentation source. Examples include: Publications, printed documents, static electronic documents, snapshop versions of databases. In the context of ZooBank, only References that are Works (in the sense of the Code) are registered.
Taxon Name Usage
A usage instance or treatment of a name of an organism within a reference.
Nomenclatural Act
The subset of taxon name usage instances that involve code-governed actions on scientific names. Examples: Establishment of names for new taxa, subsequent new combinations (ICNafp), lectotypifications, neotypifications, first-reviser actions (ICZN).
Original Name Usage
A subset of nomenclatural acts that represent the establishment of a name for a new taxon, in compliance with the relevant code(s).
The first usage of a particular scientific name within a reference, regardless of whether or not it is established in compliance with the relevant code(s).
Scientific Names
The full scientific name, with authorship and date information if known. Includes orthographic variants, misspellings, etc. See DarwinCore definition.