
From W3C Wiki
< TPAC‎ | 2015

We encourage attendees to start brainstorming TPAC2015 Wednesday Technical Plenary Day Breakout sessions in advance of the meeting.

The sessions that made it are in the breakouts grid, as well as minutes and summaries

See the TPAC 2015 FAQ for more information.

Note: During TPAC week, working groups may schedule Ad-hoc meetings.

How to use this page

Please use this page to:

  • Propose sessions you wish you lead
  • Propose sessions you wish others to lead
  • Indicate whether you plan to attend a session (helps with scheduling)
  • Please place new proposal at the bottom of this document

How to propose a session

Please provide:

    • session name (as a === subhead === )
    • session proposer (optional: name a desired session leader, can be yourself)
    • one sentence session summary
    • type of session: (e.g.: talk, panel, open discussion, etc.)
    • goals of session
    • additional speakers/panelists

Proposed sessions

Generic Sensor API


  • Proposer: Chris Wilson
  • Summary: Discussion of what AMP is and is not, what the future of AMP looks like, and how it fits with HTML
  • Type: short (!) presentation followed by an open discussion
  • Background materials:
  • minutes

Getting your hands dirty with the automatic publication system (and later celebrating how that little investment of time pays off in the end, by saving you time and headaches), or the convenience or writing succinct titles

  • Proposer: Antonio, on behalf of Systeam.
  • Summary: discussion about the automatic publication system and related tools.
  • Type: moderately geeky discussion.
  • Background materials: none, but some familiarity with Echidna & Specberus is desirable.
  • Constraint: ideally, at at a time when all systeamers (Ted, Vivien, Yves) and other interested parties (Philippe, Dom, fantasai) can attend.
  • Check out the wiki page about this session, which includes links to the slides and to the minutes: TPAC2015/session-echidna
  • minutes


Business side of Verticals

  • Proposer: Alan Bird, W3C Global Business Development Lead
  • Summary: What is the business side of Verticals (aka Industry Engagement Meetings)? We need global voices in our detailed work as well as our Strategic Industry discussions.
  • Type: discussion
  • Background materials: TBD
  • Constraint: 30 minute session

Project FoxEye

  • Proposer: Chiahung Tai and Tzuhao Kuo from Mozilla.
  • Summary: demo, prototypes of FoxEye project.
  • Type: presentations, discussion
  • More detail: FoxEye
  • goals of session: The goal of this project is bringing the power of computer vision and image processing to the Web.
  • summary

CJK (China / Japan / Korea) Web Leadership Forum

  • Proposer: CJK W3C Advisory Board members (Soohong Daniel Park, Judy Zhu and Jay Kishigami)
  • Summary: strategic thoughts and plan
  • Type: open discussion based on AB material(Industry Group) with plh
  • More detail: TBD
  • goals of session: aiming to dig out any ideas to share W3C strategic information with various industries leaders in CJK, listen and learn about their requirements in specific.

Open Data with Local Community

  • Proposer: Taisuke Fukuno,
  • Summary: App demos with Open Data by Japanese local communities. There are 160+ cities published Open Data in Japan. For 2020 Tokyo Olympic, how to create friendly city for all? Enjoy Sapporo, Hokkaido with Open Data of the Hokkaido!
  • Type: presentation + open discussion
  • More detail: TBD
  • goals of session: Try to find the best practice to spread Linked Open Data world wide.
  • Background materials:
  • Minutes

The Path to a W3C Credentials Working Group

Text editing in the browser

  • Proposer: Johannes Wilm
  • Summary: Discuss about remaining issues for contentEditable=typing
  • Type: open discussion
  • Background: Standardization of browser's text editing features has been discussed for the past year in the Editing Task Force. We have come a long way in creating a specification that both editor makers and browser makers see as a viable solution going forward. Unfortunately the discussion on some points related to the name of the event needed (beforeInput/Input or beforeEdit/Edit) and some questions on whether or not it will be possible to move the caret to another part of the document as a result of beforecomposition events were not finished at the F2F meeting in Paris in August, and it would be of great help to get final clarification of these things here.
  • Background materials:

Getting more people involved

  • Proposer: Yoav Weiss.
  • Summary: The Web platform needs people to help maintain and evolve it. Let's discuss ways to make that happen.
  • Type: Discussion
  • Background materials:

Cross-device Synchronization

Web Payments Architecture

  • Proposer: Ian Jacobs
  • Summary: Help the new Web Payments WG build a great architecture
  • Type: presentation + open discussion
  • Background materials:
  • Note: The Web Payments WG does not yet exist formally, but we are planning to hold a meeting on Thursday and Friday. This breakout session gives those who will be present on Wednesday but not Thursday or Friday to provide some input to the early WG discussions.
  • Nbreds demo on Web Payment demo: IOT Combined Service using Web Payment Standards (15 mins, Andy)
  • minutes

Web Authentication and Security

  • Proposer: Wendy Seltzer, with Jeff Hodges, Virginie Galindo, and David Rogers
  • Summary: Two new streams of security work have been proposed to W3C, one based on the FIDO Alliance's strong authentication specs; another based in hardware security features. We propose a session to discuss this work.
  • Type: brief presentation + open discussion
  • Background materials:
  • Note: Ideally, these should not conflict with payments or mobile sessions, because of overlapping participants' interests.
  • minutes

Web Platform Testing

  • Proposer: fantasai + gsnedders
  • Summary: Make a plan of all the stuff we need to do to get everyone running all the latest tests, and figure out who can do it
  • Type: open discussion
  • Output: Laundry list of tasks, some people assignments, list of interested corporate contacts for additional resources
  • minutes

CSS Validation in the Browser

  • Proposer: Takeharu Igari
  • Summary: A NEW APPROACH of CSS validation. That can validate in the browser after JavaScript and can validate computed style and can validate matching of style and style. I'll introduce "Style Validator" that I developed which works as a Chrome Extension or JavaScript Bookmarklet.
  • Type: presentation and demonstration
  • Constraint: 30 minute session
  • Background Materials:
  • irc: #css-validation
  • Minutes

Web of Things mapping ideas based on GW model

  • Proposer: Kazuo Kajimoto, Yoshikazu Ishii + others
  • Summary: Introducing GW to cover different logical and different physical protocols in market, Web of Things Servient can provide not only interoperability but other features such as safety and privacy.
  • Type: presentation and demonstration
  • Background Materials:
  • Minutes


Interacting with the Networking Layer (please keep early in the day due to participants constraints)

  • Proposer: Dominique Hazael-Massieux
  • Summary: the Web platform offers more and more ways to interact with the network (XHR, Server-sent events, WebSockets, WebRTC, HTTP2, Push), and network technologies are themselves undergoing several major evolutions (LTE, 5G, NFV, SDN, MEC, etc); this breakout will present some of the recent work that has happened in this space and try to identify opportunities to start standardization work at the intersection of the networking and application layer
  • Type: presentations followed by discussions
  • Presentations:
    • Dominique Hazael-Massieux: introduction to the needs and constraints of getting apps and networks to work together
    • Natasha Rooney: report from the recent MaRNEW workshop and experience of networking Task Force in Web & Mobile IG
    • Ilya Grigorik: apps and network collaborating
    • Kensaku Komatsu: WebRTC : P2P communication
  • Background materials (links TBD@@@):
  • minutes, summary

Space, Time and Sensor Semantics in the Web of Things

  • Proposer: Kerry Taylor, Ed Parsons, Phil Archer and others from the SDW Working Group
  • Type: open discussion
  • Goals: The Spatial Data on the Web Working Group meets the Web of Things Interest Group to share progress and to better align developing outcomes
  • Detail: The SDW is developing best practices for publishing and consuming spatial data on the web, and this includes streaming sensor data. In addition to location and space, we are developing ontologies for Time (based on OWL-Time) and Sensing (based on SSN). Also we are dealing with remote sensing (Coverages). We have several IoT use cases and requirements, including a requirement for a lightweight API. We would particularly like to discuss activation.
  • Background Materials SDW wiki, FPWD Use Cases
  • Agenda, meeting notes, minutes

How to bring trust and confidence to Peer2Peer transactions

  • Proposer: Cyril Vignet
  • Summary: a new concept to secure transactions using existing standards with specific workflow
  • Type: short presentation followed by an open discussion
  • Background materials: TBD

Transitioning to HTTPS

  • Proposer: TAG
  • Summary: Discussion of issues and proposals for moving the web to HTTPS
  • Type: open discussion
  • Background materials: [1], [2]
  • minutes

Social Web

Are you Social? We need you!

HTML5 Testing

  • Proposer: Judy Zhu、Charles McCathie Nevile
  • Proposed time slot: 10:30 ~ 12:00
  • Summary: Requirements about HTML5 compatibility testing and performance testing, discussions around future plans
  • Type: short presentation followed by an open discussion
  • Background materials:
  • minutes

Machine readable permissions and constraints - how far should W3C go?

  • Proposer: Phil Archer, Irina Bolychevsky, Ralph Swick, BigDataEurope project
  • Summary: The members will soon be asked to consider a draft charter for a Working Group to create an Open License Expression language. Taking the work of the ODRL Community Group as its starting point. Good idea? Bad idea? What should be in scope, what is out of scope?
  • Type: introduction followed by an open discussion
  • Background materials:
  • minutes

Media Capture

  • Proposer: TAG
  • Summary: Discussion of issues coordinating various media capture APIs
  • Type: open discussion
  • Background materials: [3]

Web Platform Testing on Embedded Systems such as TV

  • Proposer: Fumitaka Watanabe, Yusuke Maehama, Shoko Okuma
  • Summary: Embedded systems sometimes don't make WPT runnable because of the limited resources and different types of input devices, even though web browsers are implemented. What should we do on this? We'll demonstrate the WPT runner customized for TV, share the issues and have an open discussion to improve WPT for embedded systems.
  • Type: Short presentation, demonstration and open discussion
  • Goal of session: Find ways for better WPT on various types of devices
  • Background materials:
  • minutes

Federation between Web-based IoT platforms

  • Proposer: Oleg Mezhvynskyi
  • Summary: While WoT standards are under high development velocities in W3C to bring better interop to the IoT world, IoT platforms are rapidly emerging in various industries, creating silos already. However, some of them have adopted Web standards to improve the situation: They are called Web-based IoT platforms.
    In this session, I'll briefly show you the essence of a full Web-based IoT platform, which uses HTML5, WebRTC, etc. to maximize the portability of IoT apps, and would like to discuss with audience if Web-based IoT platforms and federation between them can help better the interop of IoT for the time being. If it helps, what kind of standards will we need?
  • Type: Short presentation, demonstration and open discussion
  • Goal of session: To seek the momentum to standardize federation features
  • minutes

The Interledger Protocol (ILP)

Secure communication with local network devices

  • Proposer: Mark Watson
  • Leaders: Mark Watson
  • Summary: Pages loaded in a secure context may wish to communication with local network devices (for example devices discovered using DIAL). Such devices may not have DNS names or long-lived certificates chained to a public CA to enable the use of standard PKI. How can we secure such communication such that the security promises of the "green padlock" are maintained.
  • Type: Brief presentation of the problem, open discussion
  • Goals: Establish the problem as one that W3C might work on, identify venue(s) for further discussion
  • minutes

New Funding opportunities for W3C?

  • Proposer: Ann Bassetti
  • Summary: I am frustrated that the W3C struggles for funding, when A) this work is so foundational to the functioning of the web; and B) so many others in the web tech industry are making big bucks. What new options can we think of?
  • Type: brief intro followed by open discussion & brainstorming
  • Background materials: none

Location-Based Service

Web Annotations

How blockchain could change the Web-based content distribution

  • Presentation material
  • Proposer: Shigeru Fujimura, Hiroki Watanabe
  • Summary: Introduction of the concept of the Web-based content distribution using blockchain and discussions about its potential
  • Type: presentation followed by an open discussion
  • Minutes

Accessibility and Device Independent Interaction

  • Proposer: Cynthia Shelly, Rich Schwerdtfeger
  • Summary: Accessibility APIs on a number of platforms have been used for device independent interaction and to perform automated testing.
  • Type: Overall discussion on what has been discussed earlier in the week, existing draft specifications, and a discussion as to what would be needed for addressing more mainstream use cases would be covered. The intent is to create more portable code that requires less work by the author to support accessibility.
  • minutes

Requirements for Embedded Browsers needed by Web-based Signage

  • Presentation material (including the result)
  • Proposer: Kiyoshi Tanaka and Shigeru Fujimura
  • Summary: The embedded browser used by web-based signage has definitely different requirements in the view point of security model. After describing such requirements and API ideas in the session, we will discuss proper WGs for their standardization.
  • Goal of session: Identification of the right place in which each requirement is standardized. The result will be provided to Web-based Signage BG, and the newly identified standardization items will be discussed in future created Web-based Signage WG.
  • Type: short presentation followed by an open discussion
  • minutes

Digital Marketing

  • Proposer: Wendy Seltzer + Chad Hage
  • Summary: Last month's Digital Marketing Workshop highlighted the importance of integrity in digital

marketing: security of web ad delivery mechanisms, application and page context, and viewability; robust and auditable data measurement; reliable marketing asset tracking and product description; and user privacy assurances. This breakout will discuss next steps to move digital marketing work forward in W3C and beyond.

Technical Reports Design Project

Re-decentralizing the web

Future of HTML

  • Proposer: Chaals McCathie Nevile
  • Summary: What does the future of HTML look like at W3C?
  • Type: Open discussion
  • Goal: Gather suggestions and ideas about taking HTML forward.
  • Presenters: Chaals McCathie Nevile, Léonie Watson, Adrian Bateman
  • minutes

Distributing Web Applications Among Devices

Webex: How's it going? Schedule to void clash with Machine readable permissions and constraints

  • Proposer: Ralph Swick & Nigel Megitt
  • Summary: Earlier in the year we switched the organization's tool for teleconferencing from Zakim hardware to WebEx. This session is to gather feedback about how it has been going.
  • Type: Open discussion
  • Goal: to discover how Webex is working for Working Groups, share new Best Practices and discuss what would improve the fit with W3C practices.
  • Moderator: Nigel Megitt
  • Minutes:
  • Summary:

HTMLCue - a generic Text Track Cue that can use all of the UA's rendering capabilities

  • Proposer: Nigel Megitt
  • Summary: The only widely implemented Text Track Cue is VTTCue, which is extendable but includes unnecessary interfaces for the general case. How could we design a general use Text Track Cue that just has a payload that is a fragment of HTML, whose onenter() just attaches the payload HTML to a target element, and onexit() clears it?
  • Type: Introduction then design workshop
  • Goal: to generate a set of ideas that could be used to specify an HTMLCue extension
  • Chair: Nigel Megitt
  • Minutes:
  • Summary:

Egocentric Architecture

  • Proposer: BigBlueHat (aka Benjamin Young)
  • Summary: These days, all our data moves away from us. We comment in someone else's site. We store our photos behind lengthy terms of service. We scatter our digital selves across the cloudy online landscape.

Let's explore the self-centered world of offline-first applications, extend the Web (and the Cloud) beyond themselves to places closer to ourselves--with or without network access.


Device APIs and Privacy/Permissions

Data Visualization

Standards for Personal Assistants

  • session proposer: Debbie Dahl
  • This session will talk about what's needed to support personal assistant functionality within the Open Web Platform.
  • summary: There are several proprietary personal assistants in common use, including Siri, Cortana, Google Now, Amazon Alexa and Facebook M. Similar, intelligent assistant functionality for specific enterprises is also being provided by other platforms, although these platforms are less commonly known. What is needed to create similar kinds of intelligent assistant applications with the Open Web Platform? In the discussion we ended up focusing on semantic assistance, for example, intelligent interpretation of web pages and displaying them in a way that's consistent with the user's preferences. This is independent of the specific modalities the user uses to access the information.
  • type of session: open discussion
  • goals of session
  • minutes

High Dynamic Range

Note : a Haiku challenge is running here