This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
eventing and enum use the xpath namespace and define it to mean something w.r.t. filtering. We should change the namespace of this URI to be in a WSRA namespace so that we aren't overloading someone else's URI.
For eventing: instead of: use: For enum: instead of: use:
yves proposed to make it all lowercase:
In looking at the other URIs that we define, it appears that we don't lowercase them. I would suggest that we go for the original proposal and use a new issue (if yves wants to open it) to lowercase ALL of our URI - for consistency.
Resolved on 2009-08-25 with: 1. Append to Section '[Body]/wse:Subscribe/wse:Filter/@Dialect *** New dialect definitions MUST include sufficient information for proper application. For example, it would need to include the context (which data) over which the filter operates. *** 2. Replace with 3. and similar for enum
Please make my changes