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Innovation & business services
Innovation with ULB
There are a number of ways in which you can collaborate with the University's researchers.
The foundation of a fruitful collaboration, read the guide.
Partner-oriented research
ULB is involved in many oriented research projects in partnership with various socio-economic organisations. It also works on specific projects with businesses and associations.
Expertise and Technology & service platforms
Researchers often share their skills and equipment, for instance through consulting missions and analyses on technology & service platforms.
Technology offers
Certain technologies created by researchers can be used by companies through agreements, contracts, etc.
Research can occasionally lead to the creation of a spin-off company. ULB has 29 active spin-offs.
Innovation ecosystem
ULB-KTO is part of an innovation ecosystem, alongside business incubators, public organisations, investment funds, etc.
Tools and services for societal innovation
The ULB-KTO supports researchers in human and social sciences in the valorisation of their research results. Find out about the societal innovation tools and services that have resulted from these results.