Tetsuhiro Wakabayashi (Japanese,contemporary)
Glitter of life, 2021
macoto takahashi, the little mermaid
Rita riding on the Dolphin, from The Three Enchanted Princes for Stories from The Pentamerone by Warwick Goble (1911)
Hot Coffee, Mojave Desert, 1937. Edward Weston. Gelatin silver print.
Vintage pink glass perfume bottle
can't get over the oldest living olive tree being over 4000 years old. imagine someone in 200 bc being like look at this old tree. so many living breathing people existed before us and they had lives just like ours and they lived in the same world we live in, only younger. if you stop for a second and close your eyes and listen you can hear what they heard. someone looked at this tree when it was just a sprout. someone ate the first olive from it. and then 2000 years later someone else thinks the very same thing
JOHN LA FARGE Water Lily Oil on Panel 9″ x 8.5″
Unknown , Life Carousel , Wild devil - Jaana Paulus , 2024.
Finnish, b. 1963 -
Woodcut and gilding, 97 x 65 cm.
Compilation of 19th century birdcages
Jan Zrzavý (Czech, 1890-1977)
Horses under the moon, 1919
Mixed media
David Hettinger
'The Blue Pond'. Hugo Henneberg. 1904.