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@riraro489 / riraro489.tumblr.com
My Other Blog:
Join Rotolocke by sending me an ask for a link!!
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new piano cover, this time of School Forest from PSMD, and featuring new art that i drew for the occasion (this took like a whole dang week)!! the early game dungeon themes are absolutely amazing, and this one is no exception. it has such a playful and nostalgic vibe that i really like!
i started learning this by ear around the start of the year, but only recently did i record myself playing it with no (major) mistakes! i'm pretty proud of the result.
also, covers from now on are recorded on my home piano, so if you noticed a difference in piano quality from the partner's theme cover, it's not your imagination. and yes that is my clock ticking at the start and end…consider it a part of the performance lol
earbuds/headphones recommended!
Bad and naughty grass types go in the salad spinner
[image description: the bugs bunny in a tuxedo "I wish all (blank) a very pleasant (blank)" meme edited to say "I wish all of my Jewish followers a very pleasant rosh hashanah". In front of Bugs there is a jar of honey, a stack of apples and pomegranates. In front of bug's mouth there is a shofar.]
Hey everyone!
I know I haven't been on here in a while, but I come with something that is really important to me, so I hope you can forgive me 💦 I adopted a dog from poland last year and got to know the woman who built her own shelter to save animals.
Aga started out working in a public shelter and conditions there were HORRIBLE. She took over it but they kept cutting funds, so at one point she decided to indebt herself to build her own shelter.
Now, she needs help keeping that shelter open
It would mean the world to me if you could help in any way - sharing, liking, anything. ❤️
(Small warning for the link, in the middle of the page there is one image that’s a bite more explicit)
It looks like this shelter is doing good work. The animals look like their conditions are much improved there. Is there any other information about this place other than the gofundme? A website perhaps?
Other than the gofundme there is only a polish page, this one is the official one: http://afn.pl/
Ive Found them originally through their Facebook page AFN Fundacja!
Then there is the German organization that was specifically created to help this shelter from Germany, but they have less information than the website and… they’re in German 😸 http://www.heimatlosepfoten.de/
Update, I Hope im not annoying y’all by reblogging this too much! (Is there a better way to update? I’ve been off social media too long…)
I’m talking to the head of the German organization on WhatsApp right now and she is speechless 😸 with each voice message she sends she sounds more and more just absolutely floored, stunned. Thank you all SO SO much!!
Aga had some really rough days thinking she has to close her shelter so we assume she is already in bed. (I don’t think the German lady will sleep tonight). Will update once Aga wakes up :)
Please keep this circulating. Cops are getting more and more brazen, know your rights!
good to know
Reblogging every time this goes past
I had to learn my rights the hard way…read this, study it, memorize it, this is insanely valuable information.
22 years ago on 9/11, I was ten years old. Here's what I wrote about it in my journal at the time
no no, I know what you're thinking but it's actually amazingly great, keep watching.
Oh wow did not see that coming
What the actual fuck
Gonna start doing this irl. I'm asexual, but i can take one for the team
I mean stealing the wife of someone who stole a handicap spot isn't a bad idea.
Just fyi for everyone the new strain DOES have the capability to do breakthrough infections (meaning if you’ve had your shots or COVID within the last two or three months you can get it again - only 2 confirmed cases in the US as of this morning though), no we don’t know if the new vaccine coming in September will be protective enough, and yes a lot of our overarching medical bodies are letting us doctors know that those who are elderly and/or are immunocompromised should be wearing a mask.
If you have had COVID at any point - congratulations, you are immunocompromised! You are a high-risk individual if you have had COVID.
You should be wearing a mask. You should be considering how to reduce your risk. There are many tools and strategies we did not have in 2020.
And for clarity's sake - all strains have had breakthrough potential. The new strains are largely unrecognizable to your body's immune system, so breakthrough potential is much, much higher.
COVID does increasing amounts of damage every time you get it, and many "healthy people" become seriously disabled after their third infection.
The state does not care anymore (if you live in the US). Please take care of yourselves as best you can.
i was already seriously disabled before covid, and am past 3 infections now even though i never stopped the original protocols - masks everywhere, six feet apart, hand sanitizer, hand washing, no eating inside, no bars, no concerts, no clubs - and i'm fully vaxxed. yay roommates! :/
i have brand new and troubling neurological issues (human faces no longer register correctly to me, that's fine, that's probably fine) and i have gone from ~80% bedridden pre-covid to 90-95% bedridden. my brain fog is now almost constant.
i forgot mid-sentence what i was even typing about.
don't get me started on the new levels and types of pain and spoon deficiencies i am dealing with.
i am 41 years old and am resigned to the fact that i will continue to get new covid infections because people i have to share close quarters with will not even mask anymore, and that it's not only possible but plausible at this point that my next infection may kill me.
"it may be time to mask again."
we never should have stopped.
for the love of little grey cats, take this seriously.
Hey. Gentiles. Listen up for a sec.
When September and October are nearing and you’re planning an event: google “Rosh Hashanah *year*” and *Yom Kippur *year*” and then, and I cannot stress this enough, don’t plan your event on those days. In fact, don’t plan any events starting sundown the night before. Those are the three most important days of the Jewish calendar, and, once again, I cannot stress enough how much this little bit of forethought and kindness will make every Jew you know cry tears of joy.
hello beloveds ☺️
made an alternate version for the mutuals ive never spoken to
You are appreciated
you know who you are and i love you
First thing you see after you zoom in is how you die
How you dying 👀
Hello! Call me Guide, I'm the host of this potential tournament! Have you ever crafted a character or set of characters for the universe of the PMD games (or a universe based on it)? Have you ever wanted to see how they'd stack up against other characters and teams? Hopefully, this tourney will be your chance to find out!
This is my first time hosting a tournament, so advice with scheduling, bracketing, and submission guidelines would be extremely helpful! I hope to see you all soon!
Please like or reblog this post if you're interested in participating or spectating!
There’s a lot of Darkrai in this batch.