I'm still hung up on this
Every character that has died in Alien Stage so far has all gotten a comic from their own perspective.
Sua got one where she wants to tell her 'sister' that she found paradise in the hellish place.
Ivan compares his love with Sua's and thanks Till for being the victim for his shallow feelings.
Hyuna makes sense of her love for Luka, and tell him to take his time solving her puzzle.
All of them got to tell their perspective in some way.
...Except Till.
From start to finish, he never had interviews done, he never interacted much with other and just never...spoke.
The only time we ever see him outside of the videos in in the comics from other POV's.
His own death comic was not done in perspective. It was done in his mother's.
And Io loved her son. She cherished him and wanted him to find his happiness wherever he went.
But she never truly knew him. He was snatched away from her far too early for her to ever know him.
Till is a character who we, as an audience, only know from surface observation and the thoughts of others. We have no idea of what was actually going on in his head.
We have ideas for everyone else who are dead, except Till...