This bass line will keep me from being institutionalized
this shit ain’t nothin to me man
Get High And Notice Basslines
Don't need to get high to notice basslines
this video is CUTE. the animal is stressed and having a terrible time but it's a practicing nihilist so it actually feels liberated in the meaninglessness of its suffering
adhd will get you thinking "i should make this doctors appointment" every day for 7 months and counting
none of us are making those appointments huh
five hour blow job
Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my morning cumshot
Wake up... A cup... get your tits sucked...
another cool bug on this site is when youre on mobile and suddenly the ads will just move and cover the post youre reading
im so sorry ill make it up to you
Uh oh! You are now a were-animal! This means you become a human-sized animal hybrid with uncontrollable bloodlust every night!
Spin this wheel to get your species
Scanner’s down, so here’s Teen Comix #1
Happy ten years of what if they made simpsons porn illegal