Hey, little one. Your caregiver F/O wants to remind you to brush your teeth before going to bed. They love you and they're proud of you.
Pro/com ship/anti anti DO NOT INTERACT.
Hey, little one. Your caregiver F/O wants to remind you to brush your teeth before going to bed. They love you and they're proud of you.
Pro/com ship/anti anti DO NOT INTERACT.
Imagine your f/o helping you through situations that would seem mundane to other people but severely stress you out. Like a song stuck loudly in your head, or an injured hangnail, or low vitamin levels, or lips so chapped it hurts. They are there for you, helping you, distracting you, caring for you. Giving you sympathy. Loving you.
Imagine your F/o helping you brush your teeth, maybe you just don't have motivation or maybe you just don't want too. (or maybe your regressed <3)
Imagine them gently guiding you over to the sink and having you sit on the edge as they wet the toothbrush, apply sparkly toothpaste because- motivation !! They mumble to you as they gently hold your jaw- "Open up please~"
They hold your jaw as they gently scrub at your teeth doing circles, they do that cute thing they do when they are focused. Everytime they complete a circle they give you a lil kiss on the forehead with a smile.
They could never be bothered taking care of you, not when they know you would do the same for them in a heartbeat. Not when they know how hard it must be for you.
Imagine your f/o gently taking your hand and guiding you away from work, to your toothbrush, to your bed, tucking you in. Helping you function by just giving you enough of that pull to get you through it.
Julianne likes being read/told stories to sleep and collects fairytale books for Sam to read to her. It's just as an activity they do, taking turns reading to one another so Julianne could practice reading out loud because she's a teacher. One night, Julianne accidentally slips and acts more loopy and light and calls Sam her momma, unaware she hasn't been informed about bouts like these. Instead of interrogating her (it's late anyway), she lets it slide but wonders...what could that mean?
dear autistic age regressors with f/o caregivers:
your cg loves you entirely and unconditionally.
they do not think that you are a burden or “hard to deal with”, they know how unique and amazing you are.
they will make sure you’re accommodated and encourage you to play the way you feel comfortable ! if u want to play quietly or stim, they’ll be right there with you.
if you’re particular with foods or utensils, they’ll get more of them and keep track of what you love while incorporating other foods in ways you like !
don’t feel bad about your special interest, your cg is happy to hear about it or watch/play/read the source material as many times as your little heart desires.
if you get overwhelmed or have a meltdown, they’ll be right there to keep you from getting hurt and take away all the things that are making you feel bad ! and they’re happy to do it too because they love you lots !
Being little when you do chores is the best because you can imagine what your CG will say when they see what a good job you did!!
Like yeah I could feel the satisfaction of taking care of something but that will never be as magical as hearing “Good job baby! I’m so proud of you!”💕🍼
I know Mama's voice would be so calming...like it's deep and it's a bit scary but she doesn't raise her voice at me (..except for that one time :( ) and I know she won't hurt me. I love Mama..
Baby cat who feels sad and alone most if the time and is scared of regressing around their girlfriend who agreed to also be her cg. But she fails to realize she brings out a part of her bear gf's nature she swore she repressed. Like every time kitty slips, mama bear notices and can't help but try to take care of her even if they are very different!!
🧸Calm Down Methods!🧸
Feeling mad and overstimulated a while ago and I wanted to list out my favorite calm down methods. Best done with a cg but pretending your fictional cg is there too helps a ton!
🍯 Going to a dark, quiet room without music or other stimulants.
🍯 Hugging your cg or your biggest plushie reeaaaal tight!
🍯 Running your hands against the fabric to calm down and breathe deeply. Feel any other soothing texture.
🍯 Rest your eyes and close them for a bit.
🍯 Distracting yourself with happy media. I love watching toy cooking videos and slime cooking videos!
🍯 It's okay to ask for reassurance or help. Tell your cg or fictional cg how you're feeling- I'm 1000% sure they're willing to help!
There is something so alienating about seeing girly age regressors have biiiig playpens, plushies, cute accessories, and actually look like an age regressor. She has fair skin, she's tiny, and she has a caregiver who loves her. I feel unlovable and unneeded by people. If only i was cute and small like her!
everything is so scary. thank god for plushies
If you're a little, pet, cg, flip, etc etc who likes to go on Pinterest to watch stimboard videos, please block an account who goes by @/sincerelyforeveryours.
While this account explains that she's makes annoying stimboards and that "they're not supposed to be taken seriously anyway" she posts stimboard videos with the false hope that they're safe. (Putting "/safe/srs") On every video she posted. When in reality they're anything but.
She makes harmless looking ones and then adds loud jumpscares randomly during the video. If not jumpscares, flashing lights that causes headaches and might trigger someone with epilepsy. (I, don't have epilepsy, but her flashing lights gave me headaches)
And it's unfortunate that her stimboards actually caused hospital accidents for some people who viewed her stimboards unknowingly of the unexpected scares added). She refuses to change her stimboards even when she "promises" to add warnings. She never did.
THESE ARE EXTREMELY MISLEADING! I had the misfortune of stumbling onto one of these when regressed and left the video with a headache, and a sobbing mess from a horrible panic attack. These stimboards may cause epilepsy, anxiety triggers, cause relapses, etc.. don't be fooled with the "safe" written on the boards.
Please stay away from this account. She's a troll and she SENT SOMEONE TO THE HOSPITAL. POSSIBLY MORE. BLOCK AND REPORT HER PLEASE.
This! Also they’ve used my gif of my stuffed animal Abigail ): she would never do such a thing to scare people
'you make your villain cg f/os too nice!' Wrong. They're very mean and rude and cruel.
They're nice to me. They respect and love me, and know I need them to be gentle.
I love their flaws as much as their virtues - because they do the same for me. And no one will ever change either of us.