Mice exhibit first aid behavior, aiding unconscious peers
Humans may not be the only ones who aid their friends when they're hurt. Mice may do it, too, as shown by a new research study led by scientists at the Keck School of Medicine of USC published recently in Science.
Scientists have been trying to understand why social mammals appear to help injured members of their species. There are numerous factors that determine empathetic behavior and social bonding in mammals, said Li Zhang, the principal investigator of the study and professor of physiology and neuroscience at Keck School of Medicine. "But this study is the first time we're seeing a first responder-like behavior in mice."
The study shows that mice tend to help other mice they know are unconscious. Their response ranges from gentle sniffing and grooming to more forceful actions such as mouth or tongue biting, before finally escalating to pulling the tongue out of the unconscious mouse.
Okay is that last one really a first-aid technique or has that mouse just been watching too many Tom & Jerry cartoons