officially immortalized in song
op are you ok
making old doppler radar layout art
making old doppler radar layout art
post something what make you hapyy : )
hey made an account just to send this ask but have you seen Goldie's youtube channel? He's been making really middle-aged dad shorts it's pretty fucking awesome. He puts on fake mustaches and cooks and shit. Thought you'd like to see. Also, I think some years ago on twitter you made a video using Da Maytrix Come Een or some other Da Maytrix song. I don't remember what the video was about I just remember you used that song, does it ring a bell? Anyway see ya and have a good day.
not on youtube BUT i have followed goldie's instagram for years and i feel like he would be crossposting bc he has a lot of dad content there too. i love goldie
ALSO yes!!!!!! i do remember what you are talking about its this vid i made in 2016
not at all what i usually post but i made this in photoshop a couple months ago out of bumper sticker iconography and other symbolism i grew up around in rural florida as part of like an attempt at processing hideous wounds that still live inside my body and brain
Yo 2018 I was always stoked to find you posting anything so I could go through your blog and show my friends your videos, coz I could never remember the keysmash blog name. It was like a special event, your posts are still funny as fuck and memorable to this day. Much love gang
thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you posted the one of Ben Shapiro talking over Eccojams about reverse racism
uploaded here in 2016 go 2 my tumblr archive
sorry to bug, but do you still have that image that had a bunch of characters with flags on their shirts and the phrase "suck the cock off of my torso" was somewhere on there
Thank you
u are welcome i suppose
Quick question—
Are you the legend who made Jump in the Caac? If so I love you
no that was Eric Mario, the guy who used to run this account before he died doing a "Jackass Parody" inspired by "Steve O" and "John Knoxvill" in 2019
Have you reposted “penis pumps do not work.” Yet. Would love to see it
its already on my account i uploaded it here in like 2016(?) i believe if u go thru my archive
also i put a video up on the old youtube channel for funsies