Do other writers ever get this like, hyper-specific dialogue exchange drop into their brains and you know exactly where these character are standing and what they’re doing and how they’re saying these words but that’s all you get. You don’t have much other context and this specific moment that exists only at this time in your headspace??
@help-help-i-need-an-adult we've got raspberries fresh off the press!
My fave brand of Chocolate Guy's acts of Clowning on God is making fruit out of fruit. Not even chocolate, just straight up taking a fruit and using alchemy to make it into Fruit 2.0 as if to prove he's not playing god anymore, he's straight up commiting acts of primordial creation. Love that for him.
Look I love unconditional devotion love stories as much as the next person, but there's really something so deliciously raw about conditional devotion.
I have served you and I have loved you for decades, but I will not give up my principles for you. You cut out part of my heart and took it with you down that path that you insist on walking, but you walk it alone. Even when the bleeding, gaping hole you left in my chest kills me, I will not follow you.
me everytime one of my seemingly non-specific homoerotic text posts breaks containment
I hope every writer who sees this writes LOADS the next few months. Like freetime opens up, no writers block, the ability to focus, etc etc you're able to write loads & make lots of progress <3
two unique types of "sniling"
Hugs, Dae! How about a stargazing Link?😍 Love ya, friend!
stargazing 🌌
why is she cutes. who allowed this. can we study this. can she die?
music teacher tells us to take out our tuners and he appears in my head and i go "hah" and continue playing
"found family" no these are simply my fellow hostages
I see your pre-transmigration Shen Yuan in a t-shirt and sweats and raise you pre-transmigration Shen Yuan wearing the fussiest rich guy outfits and cosplay and traditional formal wear because why not. He's rich he's bored and he looks good in it. Throw in some wigs and extensions and jewelry for good measure. It helps him feel a little more in control of his life when he's well dressed.
Also explains how he knows how to wear Shen Qingqiu's clothes and do his hair without much issue.
Eccentric clotheshorse Shen Yuan.
It is 100% a headcanon of mine that Shen Yuan used to cosplay. He didn't do costume crafting -- way too much work, he just bought the costumes whole from vendors -- but he spent enough time getting in and out of, and going around in, the clothes that he was able to translate that experience over to his new life as Shen Qingqiu
#the other half of this headcanon is that I think he used to do crossplay specifically#it's not queer in any way it's just being CANON ACCURATE#then he went to cons like this and was confused when other dude fans hit on him#clearly they just don't realize he's actually a guy!
I imagine any time he crossplayed one of Binghe's wives he'd also be like, why are they even bothering, I'm married to Luo Binghe and they think they've got a chance? Dream on pal... is what my character would be thinking right now, of course.
#shen yuan absolutely 100% purchased his cosplays BUT they were custom commissions bc no one could possibly design a costume as precisely#lore accurate as he can. obviously. so he ends up like. almost almosy a mythical urban legend in the cosplay scene#because he just randomly shows up in the DMs of seemingly arbitrary broke costume makers like a fairy godpatron drops an enormous amount of#money has a fuckton of reference material and tips well - and even more so if you let him info dump when he gives you the references (@/koshertaako)
Mixed dream and nightmare client because he is SUPER exacting but he also has a good grasp of actual human limitations, and tells you everything you need to know, so you're gonna be operating at the top level of your skill threshold the whole time, but also he's basically given you a blank check for materials.
Shen Yuan bought a cosplay set from an official merch outlet one time, and as soon as it arrived he flew into a rage at the cheap fabric and shoddy construction. Unlined seams! Crooked lapels! Tacked-on fabric panels just pretending to be underlayers! Rayon! His fuerdai upbringing left him with a very strong sense of what good clothes should look and feel like, and this is Not It!
Thus, the Harrowing Commissioner of Costumes was born.
SPOILERS: Optional Act 5 Content
WARNINGS: Accidental/Non-conventional Self harm.
Warnings apply here on out!
reblog to give your headache to elon musk instead
My headache disappeared 3 minutes before I even saw this post, so I'm glad to know it exists outside the rules of linear time
I think its really awesome that some people's life experiences and trauma and stuff makes them want to beat the shit out of other people and for some people it makes them want to get the shit beaten out of them. and they can have sex about it