I got some really nice coloured pencils for Christmas and took so many reference photos whilst traveling but now I have to wait till they and my new sketchbook get shipped back to my house 😩 all I’m hoping is that my adhd mixed w this and post travel recouping doesn’t mess up my motivation to make more art.
I neko atsume'd the new boop cats
i had the idea for a homework themed vtuber, who would do study-buddy streams
i mentioned this on my twitter, but i would actually like hanamaru to be real, if someone is interested in/already does study buddy homework streams and needs a character design, i would be happy to give hanamaru to them! i dont ever really sell my character designs so i would just give her away
my worst fear is for her to collect dust in someones toyhouse or art files unused... theres nothing wrong with having ocs (i absolutely do) but i love her design and i want her to be used to spread positivity and help people study
and also, i would be more than happy to change her skin tone to match whoever she goes to ^_^ i would want whoever ends up with her to have a character they identify and feel comfortable with!!
guess what im saying is, if this is something you will actually commit to or do, or you know someone who wants to, please comment below and tell me about yourself! i want there to be more good things in the world, i want to help them exist.
i would be happy to make an animated pntuber and a full body design for her ^_^
To that anon who wanted to spout anti-immigrant shit in my asks, I have a question; what made you want to do that? Like I don’t think I have posted/replied to anything that would cause this??
If you’re gonna send hate or smth at least provide context (and say it with your whole chest yk not anonymously)