this is my song . wanted to capture the feeling of adventure . hope that it will soundtrack yours ✧
Spotify | Apple Music | Youtube | Bandcamp
this is my song . wanted to capture the feeling of adventure . hope that it will soundtrack yours ✧
Spotify | Apple Music | Youtube | Bandcamp
Okay I’m currently furious that migraines are often so blindly easy to treat and I had to find this out myself at the age of 26 when I’ve been to a neurologist since I was 11 lol so I’m about to teach you two neat and fast little tricks to deal with pain!
The first is the sternocleidomastoid muscle, or the SCM muscle.
This big red section is responsible for pain around the eye, cheekbone, and jaw, as well as some temple pain. Literally all you have to do is angle your head down a little, angle it away from the side that hurts, and then you can gently pinch and rub that muscle. I find it best to start at the bottom and travel upwards. The relief is so immediate! You can increase pressure as you feel comfortable doing so.
The second is a fast and easy stretch that soothes your vagus nerve, which is the nerve responsible for calming you down. The vagus nerve, for those unfamiliar, is stimulated by deep breathing such as yawning, sighing, singing, or taking a deep breath to calm your anger in a tense situation.
You can stretch this out by sitting up as straight as possible (this does not have to be perfect to work) and interlacing your fingers. Put your hands on the back of your head with your thumbs going down the sides of your neck and, while keeping your face forward, look all the way to one side with just your eyes. Hold that until you feel the urge to breathe deeply or yawn, or until you can tell there’s a change. Then do the same thing on the other side. When you put your arms down, you should clearly be able to turn your head farther in both directions. If the first session doesn’t get rid of your migraine, rest and repeat as many times as necessary. I even get a little fancy with it and roll my eyes up and down along the outer edge sometimes to stretch as much as I can.
If you need a visual here’s a good video on it. I know some of the language they use seems questionable but this is real and simple science and should not be discarded because it’s been adopted by the trendy wellness crowd!
I seriously cannot believe I didn’t hear a word of this from any doctor in my life. Additionally, if you get frequent recurring migraines, you may want to see a dietician. Migraines can be caused by foods containing histamines, lectin, etc. and can also be caused by high blood pressure in specific situations such as exercise, stress, and even sex.
If any of this information helps you I’d love to hear it btw! It’s so so fast and easy to do. Good luck!
*currently suffering from a horrible migraine. Tries this*
What. The fuck.
@thebibliosphere here might be the cause of some of your migraines!
It is, actually! My sternocleidomastoid was one of the muscles that tore badly after my chiropractic injury. Rehab is slow going.
Thank you so much for this @thebibliosphere
Thank the op! And also just because some people are being a bit unkind in the notes and telling people that if this works for you, you don’t have migraines you have tension headaches:
Cervicogenic headaches are a thing and are just as debilitating and are not just simple tension headaches and are often sometimes lumped under the umbrella of migraine disorder.
They are caused by muscle dysfunction and damage to the nerves in the neck/base of the skull and they often represent as typical migraines in terms of pain intensity, pain pathways and also the longevity of the attacks. They can also cause nausea, vomiting and a whole host of other symptoms that are typically treated with migraines targeted drugs.
They can also become chronic or episodic depending on the cause and also result in the development of other chronic pain and neurological disorders such as occipital neuralgia which can also feel like a migraine and often trigger the brain into experiencing the exact same symptoms due to following the occipital pathway which is the most common representation and cause of migraine pain and other symptoms.
You’re migraines might not be caused by muscle dysfunction, but for a lot of people it is a contributing factor or even a symptom of migraine itself as migraines can cause the muscles in the neck to tense up in response to the misfires going on in the brain during an attack, leading to other problems like the above mentioned.
My occipital neuralgia was likely caused by many facets of my neck injury, but my neurologist and pain specialist both agree my migraines going from episodic to chronic was also a part in it because of how my body tenses up during migraines. The migraine aggravates my neck injury, which then causes the muscles around my skull to crunch the occipital nerve, leading to occipital neuralgia which now causes me to have daily migraines if I can’t get my neck to give up the death grip it has on my skull.
Sometimes I can do this with stretches and massage which can lessen the pain. Other times I’m in the ER getting shot full of IV anti-seizure meds because it’s the only thing that calms down the migraine which in turn stops the muscle spasms.
Migraines are a complex neurological disorder that represents differently across the spectrum of sufferers. Hell, some people don’t experience pain at all with their migraines. It’s a weird fucking disease.
I understand the desire to emphasize how much worse migraines are than normal headaches that respond to hydration and pain killers. Believe me. I’m one more “have you tried drinking water?” away from going on a justified murder spree. But we also don’t get to look at stuff like the above and say “well that’s not a migraine” when yeah, actually, it can be.
There’s a reason neurologists will often try sending patients to physical therapy for severe migraines. And it’s because the sternocleidomastoid is a cunt and that cunt being fucked up can make migraines worse.
Yeah, maybe some of the people in notes just have tension headaches. Or maybe some of them have got fucked up neck muscles from their migraines and learning how the neck is involved in migraine management might be helpful for some. Is it going to help everyone? No. Does that mean it’s not a relevant thing to discuss in context of migraine disease? Also no.
I like when people like a character so way too much that it transcends even self shipping or kinning and becomes more of a patron saint that you pray to type of deal
I don’t think women who date deadbeat dads are bad people btw I think it just displays a shocking and misplaced trust in the man and also I assume any woman who dates a deadbeat dad is believing all the things he says about the single mother of his children. Mainly the fact that him not being present in his child’s life is the mother’s fault bc that is pretty much always how it’s presented to her.
I feel bad for someone not having a good bullshit detector and at the same time I think if you’re willing to hear a man blame all of these things on the single mother of his child you are either incredibly gullible or you care more about the attention you get from this man than you do about other women or the children involved or even than you care about securing a reasonable future for yourself or your future children.
It’s not that there’s no sympathy at all it’s just more like I am truly rolling my eyes at those women while also hoping they are able to free themselves. I don’t think they deserve to suffer for being with a shitty man. It’s more that as a woman who has believed men in the past about their “crazy ex gfs” (when I was still young and dumb and in college myself) and suffered the consequences it was a lesson that had to be learned and if you are incredibly resistant to learning the lesson or accepting the reality I am just going to believe that you will put a man before anyone and everyone including yourself and your future children.
It makes me sad when I see women dating men who genuinely dont offer them any benefit whatsoever and I’m not talking about financial although that is one way they could benefit them. But no benefit whatsoever. No money, not nice, or funny, or fun to be around doesn’t affirm her but rather puts her down constantly, doesn’t spend enough time with her, doesn’t listen to her or let her get a word in edgewise, doesn’t help around the house or even just look after himself. Bad at sex. The most beautiful and sweetest woman will be head over heels in love with a man who genuinely sucks the air out of any room he enters. It happens all the time and the most evil part of it is a lot of them even get pregnant. I genuinely get a terrible feeling in my stomach when I see a woman get pregnant by a man like this. All children are blessings it’s just that I know she has a real mountain to climb for the rest of her life bc let’s be real ppl always talk about parenting being “18 years” but a good parent will try to support their child every way they can for the rest of their life and it’s really hard to do alone.
Anyway more often than not you see younger women stuck in this pattern when older women who have had plenty of time to experience being in relationships are choosing to be single which is why the birth rate is down and reproductive rights are being taken away They would force govt mandated wives and impregnation if they could. And I’m not the first to say this but the reason is because men have never really in history had to be dateable so most of them do not even try to make themselves appealing in any way. Women used to be forced into marriage and pregnancies and we couldn’t have a bank account until like 30 minutes ago in the scheme of human history. Also not the first to say this either but this is where the term crazy cat lady comes from. They want to scare those women into thinking they are crazy and lonely instead of intelligent and happy alone. The term spinster comes from the women who spun yarn in Middle English times who were some of the only paid women who therefore often stayed unmarried. So that tells you everything you need to know about those sentiments towards childless single women.
Also not even touching upon the fact that in many cases men who are this misogynistic are just not safe to be around and live with. But that could be another essay.
Day 17
Just wanted to share some shockingly good news in these difficult times. The full article is really worth reading. [Find it here]
SOTR has a guide for how to do something all over these pages. It’s a nice cover for the actual message. I’ve never seen Suzanne like this before in this universe. She’s just like “let me spell it out for you. with the right preparation all evil regimes can be destroyed and here’s how! #ForKids”