you must understand that if a cracker from the US in 2024 is homophobic then that's a personal flaw but if someone from 1953 in the Soviet Union was homophobic then that shows the depravity and barbarism of communist regimes and the authoritarian and regressive nature of their governments. Of course if the former is NOT from the US and the like 4 other acceptable countries OR is not white then they are homophobic because their culture is like that, religion is cancer, their country should be nuked and exterminated.
the way the worst type of nerd talks about it on this website, youd think that capitalism is uniquely accomodating towards disabled people whereas every communist revolution has resulted in the mass execution of wheelchair users
this r slur revival shit is unbelievably pathetic you all look like such fucking losers to anyone with literally any moral backbone. i know you're a bunch of alienated misanthropes but you should probably dehabituate speaking like channers
Rhyton in the shape of a ram's head, Greece, circa 480 BC
from The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
I am CRYING with laughter
"It doesn't help your credibility to exaggerate, most employers wouldn't literally work you to death" like, I used to work in distribution. If booking a truck driver for back to back shifts until they fall asleep at the wheel, crash, and die counts as being worked to death, I have personally met employers who've worked employees to death and gotten away with a slap on the wrist. It may not be universal, but it's a hell of a lot more common than a lot of us would prefer to think.
"They won't kill everyone" but they'll kill anyone.
In my country, an employee working for a company similar to Amazon, that handles online shopping, died by suicide in a distribution center after being fired. The other employees were told to keep working as the body was still on the floor.
At the very least, they don't give a shit if you live or die
bird flu is 100% the US's fault, US and UK and Sweden and such all bear a lot of responsibility for how covid is playing out obviously but the bird flu is straight up the US refusing to sacrifice short term agricultural profit & concealing & ignoring information about a pathogen that is already killing humans. btw no you can't get out of this one by avoiding eggs (US poultry are so genetically similar, unhealthy, & overcrowded that hens basically always die before they have a chance to lay anyway) — every time a virus spreads it has the opportunity to mutate. you can't protect only yourself! this is what's meant by Public Health. without culling, a flock of five million chickens in US agricultural conditions (yes, including labelled 'cage free') goes down in a matter of days with an almost 100% mortality rate, & this scenario represents five million more chances for the virus to evolve. there are over 520 million chickens in the US and approximately 166 million chickens are known to have been affected by outbreaks since 2022. H5N1 is now so rampant that wild birds can transmit it to farm flocks by flying overhead while shitting. a pandemic requires a complex sequence of numerous extremely unlikely events to all occur & it is not a given! but it can become one if US farm policy & ableism keep rolling these dice.
There is no ceasefire that the apartheid state will not break, no massacre that it will refrain from committing. The Israeli regime deserves nothing but to perish.
It's very clear most of you view women as a problem to be solved, rather than people to be engaged with. Double so for trans women
overheard at work
manager: well pretty much everyone involved in politics sucks
coworker: yeah except uncle joe
manager: biden? he-
coworker: no, stalin
The tv show friends is one of the most underwhelming mediocre things ever created and somehow it’s not an uncommon occurrence to encounter someone who has seen it in its entirety 87 times
gorgeous stairs in an abandoned farmhouse
it's crazy that madame tussauds has been around since the 1800s. they barely had celebrities back then. "ooh its a wax sculpture of voltaire" bitch how would you know
The entrance gate to an abandoned mansion in Poland.