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Foundation 2.07 "A Necessary Death" "What I mean is… even though they're all gone, they'll be joined to you. They'll be your kin as well as mine. So I want for you to know them. [...] My subtle father, who never raised his voice to me, not even when I accidentally spilled a vial of priceless orchid pigment into the mud. All he said was, "Well, that mud is prettier now." My brother Thurston, who once carried an injured comrade on his back for two whole days even though his own collarbone was broken. My mother, whom I know others thought of as remote, but who could draw all our faces just from memory. Each one a perfect likeness. My sister Shennin, who liked to smoke Santannian cigars while hashing out matters of state. And who once, when we were younger, stayed up half the night hunting a spider in my room so I could sleep. And then her baby son. Our little Marréos." "It was a tragedy, what happened to all of them. And we will honor them."
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Pushing Daisies (2007 - 2009)
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Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day (2008) Dir. Bharat Nalluri
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Ned the Pie Maker in Pushing Daisies 1x10
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Foundation 1.06 "Death and the Maiden" 2.09 "Long Ago, Not Far Away"
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Thranduil & his elk in 4k
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I don't want you to die. Don't kill him. Let him live.
The Fall (2006) dir. Tarsem Singh
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The fall (2006)
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THE FALL | In Conversation with Lee Pace | MUBI
Source: youtube.com
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Foundation 2.08 | The Last Empress The Cleons are fragmenting. And I'm wedging myself between the fragments.
LEE PACE as Calpernia Addams in SOLDIER'S GIRL (2003) | dir. Frank Pierson
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THE FALL costumes appreciation: 7/8 (costume design by Eiko Ishioka)
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Pushing Daisies | 1.01 "Pie-lette"
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I will put the next one between your eyes. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)