I'm punch needling a seat cover and to clean up the lines you need to comb in with tools and all week I've been thinking "What I could really use here is a crochet hook, but without a hook. Just a long metal not-sharp needle. I wonder if that's a thing. If not I can maybe find it by the clay tools. I should ask about it in a fabric store"
All week, so now I'm scrolling an online store through the craft supllies and I see... knitting needles, you know, the metal needles without hooks. I might be stupid. I've done so much research I forgot the most basic tool of all. Sometimes you're being so smart about a thing you become stupid.
I'm just thankful I didn't get to the fabric store to embarras myself in person and force the cashier the experience a top retail anecdote with "today someone came into the knitting shop and described knitting needles and asked if something like that existed yet"