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Just Mikie

@hokuto-ju-no-ken / hokuto-ju-no-ken.tumblr.com

37 year old dude - twitch.tv/indigoghost - Twitter: TheAwesomeMan - I'm a guy writing about ghosts and making jokes on the internet.

Wanted to draw a little something after watching the newest Cunk On Life special :^D Philomena Cunk you're so funny..


Walking into a room full of friends and going "Hey guys I was thinking about succumbing to nostalgia and building my politics around a mythologized idyllic past filled with heroic martyrs who die for their Wifes" and they all tackle me to the ground like I just brought a lit cigarette to an oil rig

Walking back into the room with a cast and going "Hey guys, sorry, I dunno what came over me. I dunno how I keep forgetting that the people of the past were unwashed beasts with nothing of import to offer us" and getting tackled by a somewhat separate group (there's overlap)

what even is this

In my line of work we call it https://www.tumblr.com/new/text


Today's workout was intense lol first time bein on a treadmill in years, did an hour at 3mph even though the watch was kind of off about the distance and fuckin, sweat buckets lol endured by channeling the power of splatoon music for the last 15 minutes

Starting to feel the "grr, tough, push through to get stronger" resistance, but got through it alright even though I can tell my tits and ass are going to ache like the dickens tomorrow because I pushed up 10lbs instead of 5lbs on the leg and chest presses


Sir Christopher Lee met Rasputin's assassins, saw the last guillotine execution, hunted Nazis, recorded a heavy metal album, spoke 9 languages, was Ian Fleming's cousin (James Bond) & was the only actor in “The Lord of the Rings” to have met J.R.R. Tolkien


Forgot to brag about it on here but I started workin out and doin' strength training again lol

(Re?)entering my two-ton 21 era


top tier character-building device in pokemon games is when a seemingly antagonistic character has a golbat on their team and then later has it evolved into a crobat, which requires significant friendship, thus signalling that the character was always a kind person inside (plumeria), is growing past their issues and learning to be kinder (silver), may hold a spark of kindness that undermines their cold and calculating image (cyrus), etc etc

Meanwhile, Ghetsis—who is an antagonist who pretends to be an advocate for Pokemon rights—faces off against you with an under-leveled Hydreigon, which in the canon lore of the series only happens when someone forces evolution early, and that Hydreigon uses a full-power Frustration in B2W2, suggesting that it absolutely loathes Ghetsis.

For any non-pokemon players:

In pokemon games, there’s a hidden stat called friendship, which maxes out at 255 points; there are two (major) moves that are affected by this:

Return, which gets stronger the higher a pokemon’s friendship stat is, capping at 102 base power with 255 friendship (for context, hyper beam has a base power of 150)

And frustration, which does the opposite, getting stronger the lower a pokemon’s friendship stat is, capping out at 102 base power when the pokemon is at 0 friendship

The EXTRA fucked up thing is, almost NO pokemon has a base friendship of 0. The only pokemon that do are legendary pokemon and buneary. So Ghetsis actively lowered his Hydreigon’s friendship, and the only way to do that in-game is to let your pokemon faint often without using healing items on them

In other words Ghetsis is a major cunt


what’s up with buneary???

Buneary fucking hates you by default. It’s also another friendship-dependent evolution line.

for others who are clueless in the poking men, this is the tiny bunny that fucking hates you

Bunneary hates your guts with the force of Gods

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