Необычную находку можно увидеть недалеко от Сенной площади. Яблоко, разрезанное пополам лежит прямо в мостовой, радуя и интригуя самых внимательных жителей и гостей города. Так же не далеко была замечена и груша в подобном разрезе.
А вы как думаете, откуда там это яблоко и что оно символизирует?
Где:ул. Ефимова, 3, лит.А. Фото: olga_k_spb
I'm sorry, but it's mad frustrating seeing some blogs post Blade content with no Blade. There are more posts about the co-stars from Blade than Blade himself on some blogs.
Kinda late, but really loving Tokimonstas new album
There's a Kojima in my Cyberpunk
How the American television show MAD TV is oddly tied to Hideo Kojima
A weird and very random fact. Debra Wilson who voices Crying Wolf in MGS4, appears as a new character named "Doctor" In Death Stranding 2.
MGS4's character "Vamp" was voiced by the legendary Phil LaMarr
One year ago it was announced Kojima's new game "OD" was in development alongside director Jordan Peele.
Debra Wilson, Phil LaMarr, and Jordan Peele all starred on the MAD TV show in the early to mid-2000s.
UNDERMAN - UNDERCOVER Japan 2011 Spring/Summer collection
Death Stranding 2: On the Beach
Ken Ishii
6/15 阿賀野市 「青金色」 チョウトンボ