Welcome to the shallows institute, are you prepared for what’s coming? 👁️
Does your tma ocs have any voice claims and what fear entities do they represent?
The second is secret, but the first-
What should I draw him doing chat?
Art wip of my friends and players for my game
🔎 Alastair Hellsing, professional investigator 🩸
I have not seen many people who look like science
Professor Shallows, however, does /pos
My players @vikita-doodles @ner5y @sm-baby @chez-cinnamon @nobody-nexus are gonna finish up their character sheets and discuss the campaign in general we get our boots strapped for the world of the Magnus archives.
Meet professor shallows
TMA npc’s
Making some Npc’s for my TMA campaign. Hope to get more down.
Dian deetz/ the archivist
A tired and upkeep of an archive manager of both the library and artifacts storage. She’s seen her fair-share of the unknown and wishes to keep the hidden from the world’s view out of safety. But it’s this position that’s making her stressed for her life, especially with her coworkers who either know nothing or don’t take their job seriously. A certain coworker might just be the death of her.
Speaking of
Alastair Hellsing/ professional paranormal investigator.
A goofball of an investigator who doesn’t take their job seriously. Usually being a fun person to work with over how sporadic and chill he is. But don’t let that fool you since he’s professional for a reason.