"touch grass"? no. i reach out and gently scritch my cat.
Heya, @modmad! I did a thing!
The Property of Hate has taken over my life at the moment. Paticularly this TV-headed trashbag, so here he is, shittily-drawn, in an outrageously gaudy crime-against-fashion. (Take a wild guess what the colour scheme is taken from.)
For anybody who hasn’t read this marvelous comic, you can find it here: http://thepropertyofhate.com/tpoh/the%20hook/
On a slightly different note, Human!RGB happens to remind me of the song Entertainment by Rise Against (https://youtu.be/eThrow8DdzE). He also reminds me a bit of Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka, and to a lesser extent, the Sixth Doctor.
Anyway, sorry about that ranting. I hope you enjoy~!
The Property of Hate/RGB © @modmad. Entertainment © Rise Against (and whoever their publisher is, etc.) Art is by me, “Raven Tobor” (Elfo8792).
You know what the Green Heron is basically the best heron because it is like 90% neck so when it is all folded down it looks like a giant head with wings and legs
but then suddenly ZOOP
fucking green herrons
What the fuck
I had one of these as a patient once. It was so cool!
okay but
you cannot truly understand the sheer magnificence of this stupid birb until you see it in action, so i present to you this:
I’ve seen this post so many times and I just don’t understand where the neck goes
Fuck the what
You know, there are actually quite a few heron species that can pull off this “trick”. Some good examples are bitterns. I think the ability has something to do with the cervical (neck) vertebrae being different lengths.
Just Some Random Funny Undertale AU Stuff.
Question: Am I the only one who jokes that PTA!Sans is finally letting loose his repressed Napoleon complex/Short Person Syndrome? It’s kinda funny to think about. Actually, I would like to see a purely crack AU where Sans is chill about pretty much everything except people hurting/insulting Papyrus and anyone who so much as hints at his (lack of) height. Imagine going through a 100% Pacifist Run, but by the time you get to the Last Corridor/Judgement hall, Short Person Syndrome!Sans has found out that you called him “short” at one point. He’s mad, and he will fight you. Go wild with the idea, if you want. I just thought that at least someone on this messed-up website would find it funny… IDK.
Reblog this and put your birthday in the tags so your followers know
Tell me what time it is and what you currently hear 👂🏽
1:04am on the 1st of January 2017, it’s silent
8:04 AM, December 31 2016. Trains across the highway.
3:55 PM, December 31 2016, my kitty snoring.
4:14 PM, December 31 2016, me crunching potato chips and my roommate talking about her ‘kitties and titties’
6:47pm, December 31. The dehumidifier is really loud
9:48pm, December 31 2016. Music softly playing in my ear as I write.
10:00 PM, December 31st, 2016. The TV blasting Guy Fieri and the gentle clinking of forks against ceramic plates.
8:37 pm December 31 2016: I hear the bathroom fan
7:59 pm December 31 2016 and I hear my friends on discord
10:03 pm on December 31st, 2016 and I hear my fam putting together a puzzle
11:07 pm December 31st, 2016 I can hear my brother taking a shower
5:13 pm January the 1st, 2017. I hear wind, lots of wind
2.35 PM 1st Jan 2017. I can hear a clock ticking and an oven cooking :)
10:57PM January 1st; I hear people talking and the sound of a train moving ('cause I'm on a packed train after attending the latest T20 cricket match at the MCG). May 2017 be better than the Hell Year.