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@dontcallthedoctor / dontcallthedoctor.tumblr.com

Just your typical Digital Circus fan :3 They/Them/It Musician/Composer/VA/Writer Profile art lovingly doodled by @teacupfullofroses27!!!

The idea of something unexpected coming in and messing with the hierarchy of the code is a very real error for computers. Is Skittle's going to dive into the back ends of the circus given that he's kind of 'wired in' to the software now?

Also, the idea of him going crazy from admin powers is very funny to me. I am currently picturing a what happens when a discord mod is the owner of a discord server is a teenager who's chronically online


In a way, yes! Or at least in my head lol

I like to imagine him and Caine can switch their visions back and forth to pure code and software if needed :3

That ALSO comes into play at the pivotal moment where we see just exactly how Skittles becomes the ringmaster ^^


hi!! just saw ur post on the tadc fan film you’re working on and it looks super cool! :3 was just curious, do you have to be 18+ to be apart of the project? also is there any experience needed for the concept art/storyboard artist positions?


Hiya, thanks for your ask!

To answer both your questions in one fell swoop, nope! No prior experience needed and no age requirements!


Skittles Goes to the Amazing Digital Circus! Announcement (+ Auditions and Casting Call)

Hiya, fellas! I've got a very special and important announcement to drop out of the blue today. For the past couple months, I've been hard at work starting up pre-production on an Amazing Digital Circus fan film!!!

Skittles Goes to the Amazing Digital Circus! is a passion project I've been slowly developing with some close friends of mine, including @mikiib, @cluelesscleo, @jeggyweggy, @tomatertate, @endomentendo, @apatchydragon, @pizzycrisisline, @sillycringychaoskitty and MANY, MANY more! You all are some of the funniest, sweetest, most talented people I've ever known and I love you all so much. I am so honored and thankful to be able to call you all friends <3

Skittles Goes to the Amazing Digital Circus is, in it's current state, intended to be a feature length animatic. It acts as both a continuation of Digital Circus' story, and as unofficial backdoor pilot to the Skittles universe. I originally envisioned it as being fully animated, but of course if we took that route, we'd end up working on this twice as long as we need to. The compromise is that it'll be made as a (hopefully) colored animatic (just the key frames with limited animation), fully voiced and scored.

(Note: It'd be a good idea to look at my previous post where I discuss the character Skittles in-depth, otherwise some aspects of this story might not make sense!)


The story (so far) follows Skittles, a pre-teen axolotl boy who, while browsing Gbay, finds a listing for a blank disc with the words "TADC (NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION) scrawled on it in red, blue, and yellow marker. After checking the description, he realizes that it's a recovered copy of the game The Amazing Digital Circus, described as "an experimental early/mid-ninties game of mysterious origin and design". Skittles likes the sound of it and buys it. After some initial trouble with the installation process, Skittles is sent an email from a mysterious sender who claims to be someone trapped inside the game. They plead with him NOT TO PLAY THE GAME, but to look into it and figure out a way to free them from the outside.

So Skittles does what any of us would do. He plays the game after this obviously-disheveled stranger pleads with him NOT to. Of course, this leads to him being sucked straight through his monitor into The Amazing Digital Circus! Once inside, he meets the circus gang and is given his orientation by Caine.

As the humans get to know Skittles, they begin to notice a few strange things about him. For starters, unlike them, he (apparently) looks the same here as he did before he dropped in. He also remembers his name and retains most of his memories from the outside world. It isn't until the next morning, when Caine awakes without his powers, that things get really odd.

Evidentially, sometime in the night, some fluke in the game's code causes Skittles to be bumped up in the digital hierarchy, giving him all of Caine's powers, effectively making him the ringmaster by default! Caine becomes disheartened, feeling this is some divine punishment for his shortcomings as ringmaster and his constant inability to please his guests. Feeling unwanted and useless, Caine leaves behind his hat and cane and exiles himself from the circus, travelling far off into the Void where he can't cause anybody and harm.

Meanwhile, the bewildered circus gang are left to deal with the newly appointed Ringmaster Skittles, who makes it clear that he has no idea what he's doing. Despite his newfound powers, he's still just a kid and proves to be utterly incompetent at running the circus. Not only is his young brain not mentally ready for the responsibility, but the "ringmaster protocol" gradually starts to take over his mind, making him just as bonkers as Caine was if not worse. With the fate of the circus hanging in the balance, it's up to the circus crew, realizing how much they truly need Caine, to bring him back and restore order... or the Digital Circus may never be the same...

Originally, this started off as more of a "what-if" scenario with no real story behind it, but the more I mulled over it with friends, the more we realized this could actually make for a really cool story. Once it was decided that Skittles should take over the circus and become the ringmaster, the rest of the premise fell into place. Granted, the story isn't completely plotted out yet, but the beats are all there. In the end, Skittles helps the circus gang to further appreciate one another, but most importantly, to appreciate the asset they have in Caine. For his part, Caine learns how to listen better, to relate, and also how he can make life in the circus better for everyone, hopefully without compromising his vision or ideas.

Currently we're looking for artists (concept/storyboardists, line artists, background artists mainly) voice actors (for Ragatha, Jax, Kinger, Caine and Bubble) a couple writers and composers. Production isn't super far along in terms of content, but I'll post a handful of sketches and concepts that everyone's drawn up!

If anyone is interested and would like to take part, feel free to DM me, either here on Tumblr or at my Discord (anunmadebed)! I'm really looking forward to working with ppl and hearing what y'all think Abt this! Words cannot describe how damn EXCITED I am I'm stimming so hard rnnn

(So sorry if that seemed like a mess, I get really nervous talking about things I'm passionate about in public ^^)




Wanted to again apologize for the lack of- well, anything, really. Recently got a job that's been hogging up most of my creative time, but that doesn't mean I haven't been working on anything behind the scenes! I've got some Digital Circus stuff in the works I'd like to post soon, but first, I'd like to introduce you all to someone who's been frothing at the mouth to be seen :3

These are a handful of sketches of my OC Skittles, a character originally created and designed by my best friend Dezz (@dezzbutawesome on Instagram, GO FOLLOW THEM RAHH!!) a LONG time ago, way back in early 2020. The full-color and first two sketches are by them, while the others are by fellow fren and artist @cluelesscleo! GO FOLLOW THEM TOO!!!

(Note: this isn't super formal, I just kind of ended up rambling, so apologies if none of this is very well written or thought-out!!)

Skittles is my love-letter to characters like Peewee Herman, Ernest P. Worrell or Mr. Bean; comical, bizarre characters who have very childish personalities and constantly find themselves in crazy situations. The big difference ofc is that Skittles is a child, which should hopefully make the shenanigans he gets into all-the-more endearing!

Personality-wise, Skittles is kind, genuine, good-natured, golden-hearted, endlessly creative / ingenuitive, and always does his best to do the right thing. He's still a kid and can be blissfully ignorant at times as a result, but no matter what, his heart is always in the right place. He believes in the good in everybody, doesn't give up on them, and will always be there if you need him. Put short, Skittles is a true friend to the end <3

For the past four years now, I've been steadily working on a project called Skittles Goes to Jail with Dezz, my good friend @mikiib, and a handful of others! It's gotten as for as a seventh draft of a script, so if anyone's curious, reach out and i'll be glad to tell u more about it! There's a lot going on with this project so i'll elaborate on it more in a later post if you guys would like!

In addition to Goes to Jail, i've got many, MANY more stories in mind for Skittles and the other characters in his universe, including Skittles and the Wedding Ring, Skittles and the Vandiver Party Train, Sweet and Sour Skittles, Skittles Spaced Out, Smells Like Teen Skittles, and Secret Agent Skittles to name a few!

For some basic information da boi, Skittles is a preteen axolotl boy. Due to his age, He suffers from both rhotacism and lambdacism, meaning he cannot pronounce his R's or his L's very well. He also speaks in the third person, so instead of saying "I wanna go to the park!", instead, Skittles would say "Skittles wants to go to da park!"

Skittles was born many millennia ago in the Outerverse, a kind of universe-between-universe. His parents, perceived as axolotls to us, are divine, all-powerful beings that govern all known universes and protect them from outside threats.

When Skittles became of age where he would normally join his parents in governing the cosmos (around eight years old in human years), they found him unfit for the responsibility. In response, they gave him a perceivable appearance and sent him to Earth, hoping that the exposure and independence would mature him. In the meantime, they would watch him from afar, keeping track of his progress. Whenever they felt he was ready to take in his rightful responsibilities, they would simply summon him back.

On Earth, Skittles' mortal appearance is as you see in the sketches; a cutesy pink anthropomorphic axolotl! As part of his parents' doing, he has no memory of who he is or where he came from. He knows he has parents, but doesn't know where they are. All he knows is that he just kinda- exists now :3

Skittles lives in quaint cute suburban house with his pet woollybear caterpillar Kenneth, whom he cares for very deeply. He spends most of his free time doodling and surfing the web, but he also attends first grade at the Melissa Seafort Elementary School! Most of his classmates think he's either weird or annoying, so he doesn't have many friends his age at school.


Here are the assets for an improv stream I made a bit ago! You can also call it an AU if you'd like ;) TAD Werewolf AU ! If you're curious to know who's who- well here you go: Pomni - Villager Ragatha - Doctor Zooble - Detective Gangle - Matchmaker Jax - Werewolf Kinger - Hunter

So if I printed these out as stickers, who here would want any?



I think Pomni will see Gummigoo again in this scene as a customer. He may or may not remember her, which is why she is teary eyed here


If it happens, I'm gonna fucking sob... Even if he doesn't remember her, at least she gets to see him one last time and maybe properly say goodbye.


The new mask is from Zooble's room.

Or at least she modified her original mask with Zooble's or Caine's help (throwback to that one "Suggestion box" frame; we may see it actually being used).

Given her interest on Gangle seen on episode 3 , we can speculate that Zooble is (?) trying to help Gangle overcome her emotional instability.

I'm betting this episode is going to be about accepting yourself, even with the heavy weight of your flaws, something we've seen Gangle struggling with.

Her extremely sensible mood has been vacant in all of the episodes so far, impeding her from enjoying Caine's adventures (for example, we see her smiling and being presumably excited for the Candy land adventure, on episode two, before the smallest inconvenience breaks her "happy" mask) and letting Jax step all over her; emotional instability just won't let her stand up for herself.

(I'll reblog this post with even more speculation later on, right now I'm too excited for the episode to keep on writing. Apologies if this doesn't make much sense, again, the excitement sjksjsw38d...).


Hiya fellaz!! Just wanted to apologize for how quiet I've been this month. I've been struggling with composer's block and haven't been able to get much done, at least nothing worth devoting an entire post to. Hopefully you all understand.

That being said, I did write some "plunky" intermission music for my bestie @mikiib's recent Amazing Digital Improv stream, which you all should def go check out on her channel!! I started early in the morning and just barely squeezed it out in time for the stream, so it could be a lot better, but its rlly all it needed to be :>

I originally wanted to make a version of the Digital Circus theme in the style of elevator music, but couldn't find a way to nicely translate it to that style, so I tried smth more in line with the show's own musical style. The name The Amazing Digital Flight Club is in reference to Flight Club from Pilotwings, which inspired the creation of the track <3


Quick little theme I arranged over the course of the day. Not sure if i'll complete this one, so i'll just post what I've gotten done so far!! As the title says, this is the short, brooding tune I wrote for the Syrup Bandits, Gummigoo in particular (almost called it Gummigoo Rides Again as a matter of fact lmao) Since they're all Australian, the first thing my mind went to was the music from The Rescuers Down Under, a childhood favorite of mine. That movie had a lot of fun ethnic-sounding instrumentation worked into the music, so it was cool getting to rewatch it for inspiration. It's also partly a homage to Alan Silvestri's music in Back to the Future Part III. This is probably the most i've stepped out of my comfort zone in terms of arranging, but I had a lot of fun thinking of interesting ways to use percussion. I ended up using my soundfont's "Rain" instrument to simulate leaves blowing across a landscape, and very low "Giygas Breath" from Earthbound for dessert wind (hehe, dessert)


Lil belated Halloween treat for you all! It may not be spooky, but i'm counting it since it's candy-related lmao Was thinking about the incomparable Princess Loolilalu and the cutesy regal procession march I wrote for her, and randomly decided I wanted to do a fully orchestral version, complete with violins, sweeping strings, etc! This is me experimenting with that style on my keyboard :3 Obv this is a live-recorded demo (hence the poor audio quality), but I plan on making this a properly-arranged song like Pomni's Theme one day, once my other musical obligations are complete! I'm really starting to grow fond of it personally (along with the Princess, gods i've got SOOO many headcannonsss). What do you guys think tho? Be sure n lemme know!!! Oh- BIG NON-TADC POST COMING SOON!



HIYA, FELLAS!!! This is gonna be a loooong post, so strap in!!! (I've srsly been writing this post for four days end me)

Yesterday, I announced that Kinger had won the music poll and that he shall be next to get his own theme. Sadly, yesterday was also the day I realized I've been hit with musical writer's block, so it might be a short while before I come up with anything good—I REALLY wanna get something out for Halloween tho!!

Since people may be curious abt what's in store for the other characters, I thought it'd be fun to present my ideas to you all, and give u all a little insight as to how my dumb little music brain works lol

Obviously, I haven't written much of anything original for anyone but Pomni yet, so in the meantime, I've picked out some temporary themes for each respective character that I feel fit them well, and hopefully they'll give you all an idea what I wanna achieve with them musically! A lot of thought went into figuring out each character's respective musical identities, so I hope these example pieces resonate with you as much as they did with me!

That said, if you have other ideas as to how these characters' themes might sound, I'd definitely love to hear about them! Feel free to comment em below or DM me if you wish! Feedback is greatly appreciated!!!

Just as a disclaimer, barring ofc Pomni's Theme, NONE OF THESE ARE MINE, NOR DO I CLAIM AUTHERSHIP OF THEM! That out of the way, let's begin with...

Pomni: I briefly explained my process behind this one in the original post, so I'll elaborate a little more here for those unaware, alongside this slightly extended version of it (a whole twenty seconds YIPPEE)

Pomni’s Theme kinda ended up being a homage to the music of Danny Elfman. I came up with the melody one night just by playing around on my piano. It was this weird, off-kilter, sorta sad-sounding tune that really resonated with me, and thought it sounded perfect for Pomni, so it became her motif. My friend @pasta-yy worded it perfectly when they said it sounded like "Pomni-flavored despair" lol

It wasn’t until I decided to make it a full song that I realized “WAIT THIS MAKES ME THINK OF DANNY ELFMAN”, who I’ve always admired, so I took to his early work for inspiration. I’ll cite Simone’s Theme from Peewee’s Big Adventure as the main influence in terms of "musical flavor" for this one. It helped me find / flesh out the circus-y style I was aiming for!

This composition isn’t quite finished yet, but I plan to post updates on it the whole way! I’m really excited for you all to see where this one goes!

Someone said that Pomni’s Theme sounds like the opening theme from Laimin! Anmin! Suya Rhys Seikatsu (Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle), an anime I haven’t seen, but I kinda hear it in some parts, at least in terms of chord progression!

Ragatha: For the rag dolly, I envision a sweet, somewhat-haunting tune. Imagine if a music box melody was arranged for orchestra. Very lush, very beautiful, very mature first and foremost, but with an undercurrent of sadness. Like Ragatha herself, the pathos is well-camouflaged beneath the happiness and the optimism, but is still undeniably there and perfectly in line with what we know about her character so far.

This particular track is led by accordion, which I'm not entirely sure fits Ragatha, but everything else is a pretty good representation of what I hope to achieve with her!

Jax: Prolly my favorite thing about Jax is how differently he carries himself in relation to everyone else. He's maliciously annoying, self-aware, and ironically more of a jester than the character who's avatar is a literal jester. He embraces being stuck in the circus like it's his first choice, instead of something he's settling for. He's an intriguing character and i'm curious to see how he'll evolve (or de-volve if Goose's comments are anything to go by)

In writing this, I'm struggling to put into words how exactly I want his theme to sound, but this track is a pretty good encapsulation of it! There's a sort-of confidence in it it and a jaunty forward-momentum that carries through the whole piece. I think that vibe really suits Jax. There's also an air of non-chalance that parallels how lackadaisical he is with everything. I feel that, since Jax doesn't take much of anything seriously, neither should his music lol

It almost reminds me of the music Vince Guaraldi composed for the Peanuts specials. His character themes always had this hip, carefree vibe to them, especially tracks like Peppermint Patty, which will also be an inspiration on Jax's tune.

Gangle: In case anybody hasn’t caught on, Gangle is my faaavorite character from the show, and I really want to do her justice, so it took me a good while to figure out just what I wanted to do for her.

That being said, the genre I'm gravitating towards most for her (at least while writing this) is gypsy jazz. For those who may not know, gypsy jazz (or jazz manouche) is a French style of jazz that uses solely string instruments; mainly violin, guitar, and double bass. It's a beautiful genre of music, and I think it's a perfect fit for Gangle <3

I imagine something playful, gentle, unassuming, and a tad saucy, at least when she's wearing her comedy mask. For her tragedy mask, I think it'd be fun for the tone to turn dramatically sad, and have the music structure fall apart, much like her mask. I'd really like to integrate piano in some way to highlight her sensitivity.

If anyone has any other ideas, please lemme know in the comments or DM me if u wish! Gods know I could use some inspiration ^^

Kinger: And now we come to Mr. Poll Winner himself! I'm honestly really glad that Kinger won, because I have more confidence in the ideas i've come up with for him than I am for a great majority of the others.

Knowing what we know now, I see Kinger as a very sweet, sentimental, yet ultimately tragic figure, so like with Ragatha, that's definitely something that's going to influence how his theme will sound.

This is probably my favorite of the temp themes, and definitely the one I want to stick closest to when I start writing for him. Everything about it just screams "Kinger" to me and I think is a near-perfect musical summarization of his character; the plodding simplicity, the almost-dreamlike surrealistic quality to the melody, the subtle melancholia, the chord progression, all of it. I think it gels with Kinger exceptionally well, which is why I've included two versions; one light, one dark.

The question is: do u all agree? ovo

Zooble: In searching for the right genre for Zooble, I've settled on what I call “Motown lofi”. Something that gives off swanky 90s “cool” vibes. Funky, mellow, bluesy, with a lil extra punch. Zooble is mostly low-energy but very much a plain-speaker, so I think this kinda music of music pairs nicely with them!

Amon Tobin’s Like Regular Chickens is another good example of what I'm going for. This one's very strange, kinda abstract, and prolly not most people's cup of tea, but I think it's neat and a pretty fitting sound for Zooble (maybe a little less intense in parts lol)

Caine: The logic behind Caine's theme is that it should be "annoying to everyone else, but he would love it". Something that he'd have no problem listening to every day on repeat, but nobody else can stand.

My first idea was really garish, campy carnival attraction music (more generally, Hammond organ music), represented in the first half. That stuck for awhile, but then I thought abt doing a pastiche of 80/90s sitcom intro type music, represented in the second half, which I think also works.

I feel like both could work, maybe even together, but I'm still undecided. I think wacky obnoxious organ music is PERFECTLY in line with Caine as a character, but the 90s route might be the more appropriate way to go, since it would to share some continuity with Digital Days from the credits (one of my fav songs from the soundtrack along with Not Alone and Somebody Real) We'll see what happens LMAO

Bubble: I’d always jokingly entertained the notion of making a theme for Bubble, but never put much serious thought into it until @mikiib asked for it, so here he is on this list.

The idea I settled on was “underwater Mario level?”, and the more I thought about it, i’ve decided that’s the direction i’ll probably go with Bubble’s tune. I imagine it being very "spacey" and floaty. Very peaceful and relaxing, but still rich with untamed weirdness, which is what makes Bubble fun :3

Mik also had the idea of using bubbly noises as percussion, which I DEF want to try! I've never really been experimental with percussion before so this'll be a fun opportunity to branch out!!

Other Characters: Last month I wrote a sweet militaristic-y march song for the Princess and the Candy Canyon Kingdom, but as far as other characters, I can't think of many I'd like to dedicate entire fully-fledged arrangements to, at least not presently. Maybe little ditties tho, that'd be fun!

I kinda wanna write something in tribute to Gummigoo since I really like him and think he deserves it. Something very ethnic and full of fun tribal instruments.

I have one for Baron Mildenhall that I haven't posted yet, and I've got a spooky lullaby I wrote for Ghostly (as well as for @mikiib) that I'll probably post tmrw for Halloween. Martha might get one too, she seems fun :3


Hiya, fellas!! Just a couple things I wanted to talk abt todayyy First matter of business, I wanted to shoutout my lovely friend @teacupfullofroses27 for these adorable lil Gangle doodles they did for me awhile back! They have a very cute yet somehow rustic style that I'm absolutely in LOVE with!!! Be sure to go and follow them, for they are WICKEDLY talented and deserve the love <333 Second matter of business, i'm pleased to say that out of five additional votes, the winner of the character theme poll I posted is... a little drum roll, please... (drum roll noises)... KINGER!!! It was a very close tie between him and Caine, but Kinger managed pull ahead and win by a single vote! So once I get around to finishing Pomni's Theme, Kinger will be the next character to get a piece of music devoted to him. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO VOTED!!! On the subject of music, my next post will be going over my plans for each of the main cast's leitmotifs; this will include my general thoughts and ideas on they might sound, my reasonings behind my choices, some temp tracks I've picked out, all that nerdy shit lol (along with a slightly extended version of Pomni's Theme cuz i've added a few more measures to itt) I've put a LOT of thought into these and I hope you all enjoy what I've got lined up for u!!!

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