A Hidden Mountain Factory
Game: Doom II Year: 1996 Source Port: None Specs: MAP01 Gameplay Mods: None Author: Grzegorz Werner idgames | doomwiki | onemandoom
In this PWAD, one of Doomworld's Top 10 WADs of 1996, you are infiltrating a secret, earthen stronghold that demons are using to create poisons. If you want a classic Doom II level that hits something more like Plutonia but with a slight eye toward immersion with the abstract-functional style of the architecture, then you'd do well to give this one a try.
This feline just LEVELED UP! 🚀
One second, it’s sitting. The next? It’s gone. Street cats are on another level! https://youtube.com/shorts/TxClvmHSwGw
The kittens are tussling - and trying out their new sharp teeth on each other!