chatgpt is the coward's way out. if you have a paper due in 40 minutes you should be chugging six energy drinks, blasting frantic circus music so loud you shatter an eardrum, and typing the most dogshit essay mankind has ever seen with your own carpel tunnel laden hands
do you ever just suddenly feel the weight of more years of exhaustion than you’ve been alive
i regret to inform you that this was george h.w. bush, 1988
just read “to be loved is to be worth the inconvenience” it blew my mind away
Hi!! Reblogging this a second time to inform everyone theyre nonbinary!! They use they/them pronouns!! (also check them out on tiktok their videos are wonderful)
i swear it's the last line that gets me every time
You know those fantasy worlds in like, I think I see them most often in webcomics, where it's "medieval fantasy" but they have electricity and cars and computers but with a Tolkien filter over everything, like the Flintstones but for Fantasy RPGs.
This is that world's Mr. Rogers or Steve Bluesclues.
Please watch Fabiniku
actual quote from the author of the original manga:
All I wish to convey via this manga is a form of love that isn’t bound by terms such as BL or TS. But to be honest, I just want to awaken a new fetish within someone, that’s what I strongly hope to achieve. Please awaken.
legendary quote. please put this man into contact with some genderfucky queers i wanna see what chaos ensues
FINE I’ll read a fucking gamer isekai manga
When the tea has roasted rice in it
Let’s go everybody it’s time to survive
The sinister sniler plotting something devious as usual