Backshots...? No, I could never strike my enemy whilst he isn't looking. It would be most dishonorable
when i mentioned wanting to make P&J memes out of these posts, @auroblaze insisted on drawing both of them in full. as you can see, she is an artistic genius
if you are interested in seeing even more memes about my favorite idiots, i've posted many of them before! here is meme collection 1 and meme collection 2 for your viewing pleasure
Pride & Justice Taglist (Check out my Google form to get added): @elegant-paper-collection @auroblaze @zeenimf @vacantgodling @foxys-fantasy-tales @stesierra @noblebs @thelaughingstag @ceph-the-ghost-writer @damageinkorporated @wyked-ao3
"is sex with angels monsterfucking" forum thread shut down by moderators after 300 pages of fierce debate, 26 banned accounts and 8 doxxed members
"would the angels consider us bestiality" Follow-up thread created and instantly closed with the forum going into lockdown temporally
Fourth (2 parts) commission completed!!😤✨One flat colors and one small lineart of Ruby and Sapphire (from the Pokemon Special manga) for @antlurrs! This was a good chance to get myself used to the new display graphic tablet that i managed to grab back in christmas season 👌 Thank you again for all the patience and support!;v;💜
Now onto working on the last two!
giving head to your goth gf like *gets on knees* *unbuckles her belt* *unbuckles her belt* *unbuckles her belt* *unbuckles her belt* *unbuckles her belt* *unbuckles her belt* *unbuckles her belt* *unbuckles her belt* *unbuckles her belt* *unbuckles her belt* *unbuckles her belt* *unbuckles her belt* *unbuckles her-
it would be rediculous if ur goth gfs belt harness /actually/ requires u to unbuckle all ur belts!!! that dress clearly has the belts pinned on, probably with a zipper in the back!! if u wanna give head to ur goth gf ud prolly only need to unbuckle a small amt of actual vital belts that keep the thing together!!
i stg yall prolly think we actually buckle all the belts on our boots too smh my shaking head!!!
Context: My sister bought a dragon piggy bank for group snack funds, and insists that bad jokes means you have to put change in it.
My sister’s bard was trying to delicately suggest to a dragon that he open a red light district in his city, saying that it’s a very popular… trade.
Dragon, who has already guessed wrong once: Oh I think I know what you mean. A creamery!
Me, OOC: That’s one way to put it.
My sister: *clinks pig menacingly at me*
My joke derailed us for a few minutes, and all the players AND our DM ended up donating to the jar that session.
i saw the sauce drawer tweet and immediately blacked out
on april 11th 2020, me and pyro ruined kris’ life
“I have a slideshow of diagrams from Midnight that, unfortunately for all of us, adhere to the curriculum. Mic will be over later with a disturbing puppet show. If any of you have less-than-human anatomy, I don’t want to know about it. That’s what masturbation and the internet is for. We have to do this today while Mineta is away. Bakugou, doing that will give you brain damage, stop. Oh, Midoriya, you’re allowed to sit outside, I got the note from your mother. Now. God, I need a pay raise. Does everyone know what a penis looks like? …Don’t answer that.”
just found out today that moths can make their genitals vibrate to throw off a bat’s sonar
we can too you’re just not skilled yet
Me helicoptering my dick so the cops can’t triangulate my cellphone signal
Never been happier to have bad vision
this site has one setting
“Jenga” from Puzzle Peaches
Pencils & Inks by me,cowritten with @celepom
There’s not a single fiber in my body that isn’t a nervous wreck because it was REALLY HARD to choose which comic I could have shown here from the Puzzle Peaches collection(I’M VERY SHY OK),but here I go with this one because Sally’s writing is fucking stellar and makes me lose air from my lungs like it’s no big deal. I love her so much and I love these idiots <3
Other Puzzle Peaches comics: *Cries in Bisexual* | Auro Panel Previews | Sally Panel Previews | OH!| Lingering Shadows
You can Purchase Puzzle Peaches in it’s Entirety On Gumroad
“You killed his mater and fucked his pater”
goin to sleep after that GOOD. NUT.
Is that Seth Everman?
One of them
excuse me tumblr user facadehe what does that mean please answer i am worried and scared thank you