ancientcitystyle reblogged
She in slumber chat rooms showing sheet!!!!
@ancientcitystyle /
She in slumber chat rooms showing sheet!!!!
Why don't you give a shit about this thing that came out 9 years ago?
Top 5 tik tok of all time
another win for work dyke husbands keep it up guys
I’m actually counting the days until u guys r like “let women have kids!!!!”
HUGE day for bisexual women (me)
shrooms before ritalin, you’ll feel like a kid again. ritalin before shrooms…you’re going in the loom.
People in age bracket 25-29 you need to listen to Let It Rock by Kevin rudolf ft lil Wayne again cause you forget yourself
'Returning Home' by Ellison Hoover, (1888 - 1955).
The answer to your problems is self-discipline