there’s no one correct interpretation of a book/film in fact there’s as many interpretations as there are readers/watchers however i think it’s important to point out that my interpretation is always a bit more correct
ignore my dusty laptop and just pay attention to birdie’s stash of stolen yarn under my bed that i just found last night
"Kill them with kindness" WRONG. drop the opera house chandelier on them.
does any body want to ttalk about the character
my favorite coworker told me the scenario she thinks of to fall asleep is she stumbles upon a baby sheep and has to raise it and it grows up and she has to shear it and she says she envisions shearing it so carefully that she always falls asleep at that part
last night i dreamt tumblr added like a billion buttons to the mobile app so instead of this
we got this
and everyone just rolled with it but sometimes the wide naruto got too wide and blocked off all the other buttons and people would just post "got naruto'd again :/" and the only way to reset him was to log out and log back in
My favorite jokes are about mispronouncing philosophers' names but I'm afraid it's a nietzsche subgenre
Lucy wanted me to find out that she had her baby before she died. That the baby survived. I survived. Nancy Drew | Season 1
Would you press the button if:
You get to live in your dream house.
The main characters from the last tv show you watched live with you?
youre never alone. bacteria
me, unloading a fitted sheet from the dryer: *squinting* what's that you've got in your mouth
fitted sheet: nothing :)))))))
me, prying open its twisted jaws: na-ah!!! give it to me RIGHT now!!
fitted sheet: *resentfully spits out a wad of 3 very damp dishtowels, a pillowcase, and a pathetically sodden washcloth*
Yall the point is that sex toys need to be in a sex store not a pharmacy. Also five year olds these days can in fact read, three year olds these days can read I work in a daycare I have seen it. And why would there be a sex toy AISLE in a PHARMACY in a DRUG STORE?? I’m so??? Sex toys don’t belong in drug stores.
I grew up in pennsylvania, which has pretty stringent liquor laws, so it was absolutely wild to me the first time I walked into a grocery store in california and they had ALCOHOL. RIGHT THERE. NEXT TO THE FOOD. I was shooketh, may I tell you! Alcohol belongs in The Alcohol Store! Why would you treat it as something you can just... purchase! With money and an ID! RIGHT THERE IN PUBLIC! How was anyone not worried that kids might... reach out and TOUCH a bottle!!
I got over it.
Anyway drugstores (in the US) also dispense birth control medications and viagra, sell tampons, antifungals, condoms, and all manner of hygiene products incl. douching kits. Makes perfect sense to me that they'd also sell sex toys. They've got everything else you'd put on your junk.
Eh, five year olds can read, but they're unlikely to be squirrelly about things unless the grown-up in question models squirrelly-ness.
Like, if I had been out shopping seven years ago, it would have gone like this.
Kiddo: For . . . her . . . peas . . . Me: It says "for her pleasure" but that's just for adults. Kiddo: Can I have a lollipop? Can we both have lollipops? I'm bored. Me: We will pick up the lollipops on our way out at the checkout. Can you tell Mama what's next on the list? Kiddo: . . . Cog soup? Me: Good guess! Cough syrup. And no, I don't know why gh says f in this particular case, letters do weird things. Let's go.
… cog soup.
#pharmacies are selling sex toys because they sell sexual health items#the fact that they don't have to be coy about it is a good thing as it denotes a huge advancement in our collective social maturity#which i am not about to have taken away by people who can't be bothered to explain things to their children#did you pop them out expecting to never have to think through what you're saying to them?#skill issue
Pharmacies sell hemorrhoid cream and condoms and suppositories and douches and wart treatments and breast pumps and lube and birth control and waxing strips and laxatives and rectal thermometers. Your kid is three feet tall and doesn’t know shit and wouldn’t notice anything if you didn’t make a damn big deal over it. Stop pretending this is about protecting kids and say what you actually mean, which is, “I don’t think strangers should easily masturbate”, an insane statement and a bizarre thing to care about
My grandma once told me she thinks the younger generations being able to talk openly about sex are way healthier then hers and she was relieved by that
It Could Happen To You: mediocre tv show with baffling politics has really compelling characters in it
Imagine you go to Phantom of The Opera and this starts to descend
u could watch 15 baumgartner restoration videos and u'd think u know what the next step is by that point and be like oh yea so now julian's gonna stabilize the painting by placing it on the hot table and julian's like oh no no because this is a painting on wood and not on canvas we're going to do localized stabilization instead use a tacking iron with siliconized mylar release film. or you'll be like ok so because there's a tear in the canvas he's just going to do some bridging and julian will be like wrong again dumbass! the tear is too big so we're going to humidify the painting then hot table it and then add some washi cozo for stability like ok mr. unexpected i'm at the edge of my seat! i'm listening????
if you fell for the amber heard smear campaign and doesnt want to fall for the next smear campaign against the next public villified woman the first step should kill the part of your brain that sees celebrity drama as any fun, entertaining, or worthy of your time at all, because this is the part which is more likely to be distracted by the jingling keys of flashy headlines spouting narratives carefully fabricated to be enticing (she didn't just abuse this man, she abused him and POOPED IN HIS BED, isn't it scandalous? don't you want to know more?) to be able to look at the truth with any objectivity. back when AHvJD was going on the vehicles trashing amber heard were tabloids, tiktoks, and yt videos with all caps titles and sensasionalistic thumbnails, whereas the ones defending amber heard were reputable journalistic sources breaking down the mechanisms through which depp was able to sway the public opinion (and by extension the veredict) in his favor, and dv/psychology resources explaining how depp is the one who fits the observable patterns of darvo and coercive control to a t, and if you were paying attention to the latter you would have never have fallen for his campaign. but you didn't, because you were never interested in following the truth, you were following the gossip. you wanted a telenovela to follow along, and isn't much more interesting to believe the version of events in which a real life gone girl plot has happened than to believe this is but the bajillionth case of a powerful man abusing his wife and getting away with it?