in a polyamorous relationship with the oxford comma and the em dash
what i like about airports is that once youre in there theres no going back. I mean youre there until they let you out
im no longer responsible for myself. I am free because i am contained. oooh eighteen dollar sandwich dont mind if i do
Marcus and his emotional support orange
Happiness Will Come To You.
when tho
When You Least Expect It. Probably Late March
reblog for happiness to come for you in late march!
cat picrew? HELL YEAHHHHH!!!! ty for the tag @leftneb!!
i thought going for the black cat option would be too obvious plus oragnes are just way more chaotic so yeahhhh
no pressure tags (cuz i wanna see your kitties too) @fanboyoff1 @nxlx96 @oopslandiia
i wanted to be a calico cat so i made myself into one <3
@mintraindrop @slideleftt @ssereinopheliah tagged u if you wanna do it<3
tysm for the tag pookie <3
no pressure tagging @standgrand and @throwawayblog675 if u wantttt
thank u for the tag!!
happy Thursday the 20th
I’d have to wait months or even years for another chance to reblog this, so why the fuck not?
next days you can reblog this on a Thursday the 20th
August 2015
October 2016
April 2017
July 2017
September 2018
December 2018
June 2019
February 2020
August 2020
You know, just in case you wanted to set your queue for the next 6 years
I’m gonna queue this so myself from the future will love me
im making another list since this ones almost up
August 2020
May 2021
January 2022
October 2022
April 2023
July 2023
June 2024
February 2025
March 2025
November 2025
ok but give me one good reason why you wouldn’t date Kermit the frog besides that he is a puppet and a frog
“miss piggy would make it look like an accident”
This keeps going past on my dash and I can’t let it go any longer. It’s time to see the record straight.
Miss Piggy doesn’t have a subtle bone in her floppy felt body. There is no possible way she could ever make it look like an accident.
Miss Piggy would make you into an example.
pretentious moment incoming but why is everyone's idea of fashion so fucking boring these days. why the fuck did my manager just ask me "what's with the scarf". "what's with the scarf" fuck man do I need a reason to wear a faggy little scarf now? you could just say "nice scarf man". what's with your attitude
I don’t like being referred to as a boy
Woah mama I'll give anyone who misgenders you the Elvis Special (a bullet)
This account likely makes the list of “the last accounts I’d ever expect to be anywhere near my blog” but I appreciate it
Woah mama I'm one of your mutuals
I love when people ask what driver is definitely bisexual and people say max or charles as if the obvious answer isn't local frank ocean fan alex albon
if were going by driver and not just f1 i also would like to posit: mick schumacher
Imagine you invite your roommate to hang out with you and your lefty anarchist friends and everyone’s having a great time until roommate starts talking how cool Bill Clinton was and how awesome the American military industrial complex is and how great it is that the American military is present in every country and now you’re the guy who brought the neoliberal to the anarchist meeting and also this guy has never once paid you rent.
Similar thing happened to my good pal Courfeyrac Les Misérables
the nerd i reblogged this from has a quality blog & i recommend you all follow them.
Why can't we ever use bullshit bioessentialism for fun things
I'll start
When someone starts transfemme transfeminine HRT, they're warned that the breast growth is one of the few irreversible steps, and that it would need surgery to undo.
When someone starts transmasculine HRT, they're told that it won't get rid of their breasts, and that they need surgery to remove.
The standard societal conception of "androgynous" is a waifish, thin, flat chested individual
However, the inability of core gene regulation to reduce boobs, as demonstrated by HRT of many forms, shows that boobs are the natural inclination of the human body
Therefore, I motion that "androgynous" should mean someone with some real honkers. I'm talking some massive badonkers. Some enormous honkalagoogas. Some incredible and vast hadookalabohkadookies
(please don't take this seriously I'm actually studying bio and anyone trying to say something about the "natural" state of things is full of shit okay bye)
I'm a published research scientist you have to believe me
I'm in favour of this. We are mammals. What's a mammal without mammaries?
By the same token, beards require lasers to remove (and are mighty stubborn about it too), but male pattern baldness tends to get at least somewhat reversed by estrogen treatment. So our natural androgynous state is a full head of hair, beard, and breasts.
Other things of note are voice and hips.
So peak androgyny, by this same logic, is massive tits, a packin' ass, luscious hair all over the head, and a deep voice.
3. Brutus 2. Judas 1. Printers when you are in a hurry
Bringing this back because guess what happened to your boy this very morning.
Were you stabbed by Brutus?
Happy Printer Day, everybody.