Mane Event
Roommate is determined to get Leo's mane to lie all on one side of his neck. Leo's mane, however, has other plans. It is an extremely heavy, thick, and opinionated mane, and it wants to lie to the right for the top half, and to the left nearer his shoulders. Like so:
Part of yesterday's Bath Event was focused on detangling (paging Dr. Sissyphus) and braiding it to get it all over to the right side.
Today it is raining. Leos is no doubt soaking up mud like a sponge, while his mane plots how to escape the braids. I'm just going to be an observer in this. Sipping tea, as it were, while the drama unfolds.
Ah, to be young and energetic. I should write a parody song to the tune of 'All about that Bass.'