It is NOT ok for me to still be awake at 1:30 in the bloody morning. This does not bode well for how my day is going to go.
Oh lord, take me now . . .
My husband was scheduled for outpatient surgery on a torn elbow tendon this afternoon. It was scheduled for 2:30, then we were told to come an hour earlier. We left the house at 1:00, and he was back in the pre-op room by 1:30. They wanted me to wait with him, however, after half an hour there I was absolutely drooping with fatigue. I went to the car to try to grab a bit of a nap. The snow blowing in the air and brisk, cold wind were a deterrent, but I had brought a blanket and dressed very warmly.
I got a text at 3:40 that they had just taken him back to surgery (yikes!). The surgery itself was slightly less than an hour, but then we had to wait around for him to get awake enough to get poured into the car to go home. We left there shortly after 5:00. Thank goodness for the blessing of that car-nap; I would have been unsafe to drive without it.
A swift swoop through the Burger King drive-through, then a quick trip to the pharmacy j-u-s-t before they closed for the evening. Then home. To feast on burger. and collapse.