Because I'm predictable as hell, last night I was thinking of a KCD2/Hartswood crossover while I couldn't sleep.
Hans and Henry are off hunting, they're attacked by a feral dog. Hans stops it from getting to Henry but is bitten in the process and by the time they're cleaned up and stable it's dark and cold and they're lost and tired and hungry.
But through the trees is a light, and the smell of cooked meat. They follow it and find a tiny camp with two men: one tall with curly hair, one short and scruffy and very prepared to use his dagger to chase off the interlopers. They explain what happened and, thank God, the two men let them stay.
After the tall one - Penn, they learn - cleans up Hans’s wound, they get to chatting. There's something about these two that Henry can't put his finger on. Something about the way they are together. They seem to be close, dedicated companions. Much like he and Hans, he supposes.
They let them sleep at their camp. But Henry can't drift off. He stirs from half-sleep to the sound of them talking: are they... they must be... remember when we first met?
He cracks open his eyes. They're sitting close together. Very close. And then they're kissing, the taller one bundled into the other's lap, and Henry shuts his eyes again and tries not to dwell on his previous thoughts on how similar they are to he and Hans.
In the morning, Hans invites them to Rattay as thanks. They happily accept, and as they journey onwards, Henry can't help but feel that they've managed to discover his secret, too: one he didn't even realise he was allowed to have.