i love poison omelette
got some kick to it i tell you what
i love poison omelette
got some kick to it i tell you what
LCB in W train
Underrated JRPG feature is when one party member uses some non-weapon object as a weapon, but you still upgrade your stats by buying weapons, so now every weapon shop in the world needs to carry parasols of increasing lethality
If you see beauty in something don’t wait for others to agree
i wish swimming was something you could do alone in your bedroom.
mutual_01 liked your post!
mutual_01_but_horny reblogged your post!
Me: a shame my beloved mutual did not reblog my post, though I am placated by the favor of this sexual stranger
many such cases
Mona Lisa cat nest 😭
That's all kinds of clever
sorry for anyone who followed me for project moon the persona fixation is back with a vengeance i just beat p3p
I offer you guys v1 but with its concept color
based on a stupid thought i had
yes it’s demisin related cause they have a chokehold on me
the girls are hungry too