House M.D. (2004-2012) I 4.12 - Don't Ever Change
who is in control?
I hallucinate this post at least 5 times a day
IT'S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA☘ 11.08 • Charlie Catches a Leprechaun
cicadas :-) ⭐️
working on a tshirt/ print design
Literally the most important words ever spoken
babygirl im gonna fuck you until you can walk #divinemiraclepenis
House md is such a trip because House and Wilson are standing cock to cock, tip to tip, packer to packer, emotionally and physically. House's employees have a polyamorous codependent relationship while also being at each other's throats constantly. Foreman's so represssed they think he's gay, Chase is so sexually active that he can't possibly be straight, Taub and Kutner scissored, Cameron's probably gay but she has a job to do so she isn't going to think about it too hard, Thirteen is bisexual and went to jail once. Everyone has used drugs recreationally at least once. They break into everyone's home then insult the state of their home and then diagnose the patient based on a "That's so Raven" vision that House has. They shouldn't have been doctors, they would all thrive better as Waffle house employees that leap over the counter to fight customers.
Happy Ides of March for those who celebrate <3
Today's bug is a man of science