Opinion page policies
Columns and editorials
The opinions of The Auburn Plainsman staff are restricted to the opinion pages.
An editorial is the majority opinion of the Editorial Board and is the official opinion of the newspaper.
The opinions expressed in columns and letters represent the views and opinions of their individual authors. These opinions do not necessarily reflect the Auburn University student body, faculty, administration or Board of Trustees.
Letters to the Editor
Email submissions to editor@theplainsman.com with the subject line "Letter to the Editor."
The Auburn Plainsman welcomes letters from students, faculty, administrators, alumni and those not affiliated with the University.
Letters should not exceed 1,000 words and may be edited for length, grammar and some style. We will not edit for content without your permission. Any submissions must include the person’s name, address, email address and telephone number for verification.
Most letters submitted by enrolled students, faculty and administrators will be published. Publication standards are stricter for non-University community members and must show a level of immediacy or relevance to student or community issues and concerns. The Plainsman reserves the right not to publish any letter to the editor.
Letters can also be mailed or dropped off at The Plainsman office in the Auburn University Student Center, Suite 1111.
Our mailing address is 255 Heisman Drive, Suite 1111, ATTN: The Plainsman Editor, Auburn University, Alabama 36849.