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Want to drive your boyfriend crazy? Up your kissing game to take your lip-locking from dull to delightful. It doesn't take much to turn a guy on and we've got easy tips for making your next makeout session extra steamy. You'll show him you're a fantastic kisser and drive him crazy at the same time.


Gaze into your boyfriend’s eyes.

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  1. Keep your eyes locked on him until he looks deep into your eyes, too.
    This way you're connected before you even start to kiss. Don't even think about looking away yet! Hold your gaze, so you're really bonding.[1]
    • You'll want to close your eyes when you actually kiss, but great eye contact is really important before you lock lips.
    • Staring into his eyes allows those butterflies to build up in your chest—and his, too!
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Bring your boyfriend close to you.

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  1. Put your arms around his waist and pull him close.
    If he's wearing a jacket, clutch it and use it to bring him near you. Take a few moments to enjoy being right next to each other and keep making eye contact.[2]
    • Sometimes, taking things slow is the best way to drive your boyfriend crazy, especially if you're pressed up against each other.
    • You can also pull him in by the hips or pull him in by the hand.

Lean in for a kiss then pull away for a few seconds.

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  1. This teasing behavior drives him crazy!
    Think about it—he's fully prepared for you to kiss and you delay gratification which just makes him want to kiss you even more. You don't have to pull away for long to make this effective. After a second or two, lean back in for the kiss.[3]
    • This is also a great way to break tension if either of you is a little nervous about kissing.
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Hold his face in your hands.

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  1. Cup the sides of his face and pull him even closer to you.
    Now you don't have to worry about bumping noses! Plus, it also shows to him that you're being possessive. You want him and you're not afraid to show it.[4]
    • Guys love it when their partner takes the initiative so don't be afraid to make some moves.

Offer a single sensual kiss.

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  1. Break the tension with your kiss but leave him wanting more.
    It's tempting to launch into a full-on make-out session but stop after just one great kiss. Keep moving your hands along his body and making eye contact so he knows you're not totally done.[5]
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Kiss him again but with more tongue.

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  1. Open your mouth slightly and press it against his lips.
    As the passion builds, slip your tongue into his mouth and flick your tongue against his. Take your time and experiment with kissing his upper and lower lip.[6]
    • Get comfortable—you might tilt your head and close your eyes so you can really focus on the sensation.
    • Try to match your boyfriend's movements during the kiss. You want to fit together like a puzzle so it feels comfortable.

Kiss his earlobes or along his jawline.

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  1. Break up the kisses by moving a little lower around his face.
    Give a few gentle tugs on his earlobes if you're in a playful mood or plant lots of kisses along his jaw. If you really want to drive him crazy, kiss around his face, but wait before you kiss his lips again.[7]
    • You can do this standing up, but it's also really effective if you're laying down together.
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Plant kisses along his neck and shoulders.

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  1. Explore kissing other parts of his body to spice things up.
    Kiss his throat or the sides of his neck to get him excited. Take your time and work across his shoulders. You can keep kissing down along his torso or go back up for deep passionate kisses on the lips.[8]
    • Make this a game! Kiss your boyfriend all over to find the most sensitive spots on his body.
    • Feel free to combine these kisses with a massage, too. Start with a hand massage before working your way up to his arms and shoulders. Then, plant a kiss on his neck while you're massaging his shoulders.

Play around with giving cold kisses.

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  1. Sip something ice-cold and immediately kiss his inner wrist.
    This is a really sensitive spot and the chilly sensation can drive him wild. You could also plant cool kisses along his neck or jawline to mix things up.[9]
    • Have fun with temperature! Try sipping something hot and planting kisses on sensitive spots.
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Experiment with humming while you kiss.

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  1. Your boyfriend will be pleasantly surprised by the vibration.
    Sure, it might feel a little strange for you to hum while you kiss him, but the sensation will blow his mind! Try humming while you kiss his neck or kiss your way down his chest.[10]
    • Play around with humming—higher pitches make faster vibrations that may tickle while lower pitches make a slower, sensual sensation.

Move your hands over his body while you kiss.

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  1. Run your fingers through his hair, stroke his arm, or embrace him.
    If you keep your hands still, you'll come across as stiff. Instead, move your hands over his body as you kiss. You might drag your fingers down his back, place your hands on his hips, or rub his thighs.[11]
    • If your guy seems a little awkward, grasp his hands and place them on your body. For instance, if he's keeping his hands at his sides, pull them toward you and place them on your hips.
    • If he doesn't seem to be into it, try communicating with him about his wants and desires. You can get expert help with wikiHow’s course: How to Talk about Sex (Without Feeling Awkward). This course is created by a Sex and Relationship Psychologist, and it will walk you through how to talk to your partner about kissing, sex, and other intimate activities.
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Join the Discussion...

Why do humans kiss?
Why do humans kiss?
What is the purpose of people kissing? What does it mean when people kiss? Why do people like to do it? I spent too long thinking about the actual mechanics of just pushing your mouth repeatedly against someone else's mouth and got weirded out...need someone to explain it to me.
wikiHow Editorial Team
Kissing shows affection. It's not purely romantic, either. Parents kiss their children, friends kiss friends, and in many cultures, people kiss each other in greeting. Plus, kissing feels good, which can explain why people like to do it. It releases chemicals in the brain that can reduce stress and provide pleasure.
Lauren Sanders
Lauren Sanders
Matchmaker & Dating Coach
People kiss in many different contexts for different reasons. For example, if someone kisses you on the first date, it could mean they are interested in pursuing a potential relationship with you, because if they feel that comfortable---comfortable enough to exchange saliva and to get in your personal space, and allow you to get in their personal space as well---they definitely can see some potential for a future with you. But again, some people are just touchy-feely.

Kissing can also serve as an expression of affection. I'd say that if somebody is willing to kiss you on the first date, one of their primary love languages is probably physical touch, because not everybody does that in the very beginning, but people who are very touchy-feely tend to have physical touch as their primary love language.

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About This Article

Eddy Baller
Co-authored by:
Dating Coach
This article was co-authored by Eddy Baller and by wikiHow staff writer, Jessica Gibson. Eddy Baller is a Dating Coach and the Owner of a dating consulting and coaching service, Conquer and Win, based in Vancouver, Canada. Coaching since 2011, Eddy specializes in confidence building, advanced social skills, and relationships. Conquer and Win helps men worldwide have the love lives they deserve. His work has been featured in The Art of Manliness, LifeHack, and POF among others. This article has been viewed 1,199,864 times.
327 votes - 79%
Co-authors: 10
Updated: July 20, 2023
Views: 1,199,864
Categories: Dating | Kissing
Article SummaryX

To turn up the heat when you’re making out with your boyfriend, try gazing deep into his eyes before you lock lips. Put your arms around his waist or grab his shirt or jacket and pull him close to you. Tease him by leaning in for a kiss, then pulling back for a moment to help build anticipation. When you start kissing him, caress his face or hair with your hands. Try opening your mouth a little while you kiss him. If he’s into it, slip your tongue into his mouth or gently nibble his lower lip. You don’t have to stick to just kissing him on the lips, either. Experiment with kissing other sensitive areas, like his ears, neck, jaw, or shoulders.

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  • Bobby O'ride

    Bobby O'ride

    Jan 6, 2023

    "I added a "ohoho" before kissing him and he lost his mind for over 5 minutes. Would definitely recommend!"
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