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Sikaflex, produced by the Sika company, is a type of polyurethane sealant used to fill joints and gaps in construction. This is a tough and durable sealant, which is why it’s so popular. This also makes it hard to remove Sikaflex, which you might have to do if you’re making renovations. If it’s been less than 24 hours and the Sikaflex hasn’t cured yet, then solvents can help dissolve it. Otherwise, you’ll have to remove Sikaflex by scraping it off by hand. Depending on how much there is, this might take some time, but you can get all of it off with a little patience.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Removing Uncured Sikaflex with Solvents

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  1. Step 1 Put gloves and long sleeves on to keep Sikaflex off your skin.
    Sikaflex is hard to remove form your skin, so it’s best to make sure none gets on you in the first place. Put on a pair of thick work gloves and cover your exposed skin with long sleeves before working with Sika.[1]
    • Removing Sikaflex with solvents usually doesn't produce fumes, but open a window if you're inside to help vent the room. You could also wear a dust mask for added safety.[2]
  2. Step 2 Scrape away as much excess Sikaflex as you can with a putty knife.
    If it’s been less than 24 hours, then the Sikaflex isn’t cured yet and you can remove it much easier. Take a putty knife and manually scrape off as much Sikaflex as you can. Dispose of the scraped-off pieces in a garbage bag.
    • If any pieces fall onto the ground, remember to pick them up and throw them out right away. Otherwise they could get stuck and cure on the ground or your shoes.
    • Don’t worry about the Sikaflex on the putty knife. You can wash it off after you're done.
  3. Step 3 Wet a rag with Sika Remover 208 or mineral spirits.
    These 2 solvents can dissolve Sikaflex before it cures. Sika Remover is designed by Sika, but the company also recommends mineral spirits. Pour either onto a rag and wet it thoroughly. Squeeze it out so it doesn’t drip.[3]
    • If you’re trying to get Sikaflex off your tools, you could soak them in the solvent for a few minutes and then wipe them off.
  4. Step 4 Wipe off the remaining Sikaflex with the rag.
    Press the wet rag against the surface and scrub in a circular motion. Wipe all of the spots with leftover Sikaflex. The solvent should dissolve any remaining sealant.
    • Make sure the solvent doesn’t drip onto the Sikaflex that you want there, or it’ll dissolve.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Scraping off Cured Sikaflex

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  1. Step 1 Put on gloves and goggles to protect yourself.
    Scraping off dry Sikaflex can produce dust and debris, so cover your eyes. You’ll also have to use a sharp blade, so wear thick work gloves to protect your hands.[4]
    • Be very careful when you scrape the Sikaflex off. Always cut away from your body in case you slip.
  2. Step 2 Insert a sharp knife or blade between the Sikaflex and the surface.
    According to Sika, cured Sikaflex can only be removed mechanically, meaning you’ll have to scrape it off by hand. Use a bladed tool like a knife or razorblade. Insert the blade between the Sikaflex and the surface that it’s bonded to. Press the blade as deep as you can so you have a good grip to pull the sealant off.[5]
  3. Step 3 Lift the blade up to pull the Sikaflex off.
    When the blade is inserted, lift it straight up. This should start pulling the Sikaflex off. When one section is lifted, move on to the next and insert your blade into a new spot. Work along the Sikaflex border to lift up each piece.[6]
    • The Sikaflex might come up in multiple pieces. Just continue scraping to lift it all off.
  4. Step 4 Grind off caked-on Sikaflex with a grinding wheel.
    If you’re removing a lot of Sikaflex or the sealant is stuck, then a grinding wheel can help. Attach and abrasive wheel to the tool, power it on, and press it against the Sikaflex. Grind the Sikaflex until it all comes off.[7]
    • This could damage the surface you’re trying to remove the Sikaflex from, so work carefully. Stop when you’ve ground through all the Sikaflex.
    • Always wear goggles when working power tools. Wear a dust mask as well, because grinding Sikaflex could throw debris into the air.
    • If you don’t have a grinding wheel, some hardware stores rent equipment like this. Check local hardware stores if you only need it for one use.
  5. Step 5 Scrape the surface with a putty knife to ensure you’ve removed all the sealant.
    There may still be some remnants leftover after you pull off all the Sikaflex. Use a chisel or putty knife and scrape along the surface that the Sikaflex was on. This should peel off any leftovers.[8]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Cleaning Sikaflex off Your Skin

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  1. Step 1 Act quickly so the Sikaflex doesn’t start curing.
    Sikaflex gets harder to remove the longer it’s exposed to air. Ideally, you should wash it off as soon as it touches your skin, even if that means you have to stop working for a few minutes.[9]
    • Always wear gloves and cover all your exposed skin when you’re working with Sikaflex. This will prevent you from needing to scrub it off your skin.
  2. Step 2 Scrub the area with an industrial hand cleaner.
    Regular soap won’t work on Sikaflex. You’ll need a tough, industrial hand cleaner. Wet the area and squeeze some hand cleaner onto it. Rub until all the Sikaflex comes off, then rinse the area.
    • Gojo is a popular brand of industrial hand cleaners. This is a good place to start.
    • Most hardware stores have a section for hand cleaners. You can also order some online.
  3. Step 3 Wipe your hands with Sika hand towels if the Sikaflex won’t come off.
    Sika also makes hand wipes designed to remove Sikaflex from skin. If washing the area doesn’t help, then use one of these wipes to dissolve the Sikaflex from your skin.[10]
    • Hardware stores may carry these wipes, but they’re probably easier to find online.
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Things You’ll Need

Removing Uncured Sikaflex with Solvents

  • Gloves
  • Putty knife
  • Solvent
  • Rag

Grinding Off Cured Sikaflex

  • Gloves
  • Goggles
  • Bladed tool
  • Grinding wheel (optional)

Getting Sikaflex Off Your Skin

  • Warm water
  • Industrial hand cleaner
  • Sika hand wipes


  • Whenever you work with Sikaflex, it’s best to cover as much skin as you can. That way, you won’t have to worry about scrubbing it off your skin.
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  • Always wear a dust mask and goggles if you use a grinding wheel. Debris could get into your eyes or nose while you're working.
  • Don't use any strong solvents on your skin to remove Sikaflex. This could cause irritation or a chemical burn.

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About This Article

Josh Goldenberg
Co-authored by:
Residential Remodeling Expert
This article was co-authored by Josh Goldenberg. Josh Goldenberg is a Residential Remodeling Expert and the Co-Founder of 5blox, based in the Greater Los Angeles area. With more than seven years of experience, Josh and his team specialize in luxurious and sustainable home renovations. 5blox is fully licensed and bonded. This article has been viewed 65,749 times.
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Updated: July 8, 2024
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Categories: DIY
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