ft.dk politician ID (P7882)

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identifier for a member of the Danish Folketing at ft.dk
  • ft.dk politician identifier
Language Label Description Also known as
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    ft.dk politician ID
    identifier for a member of the Danish Folketing at ft.dk
    • ft.dk politician identifier

    Data type

    External identifier


    0 references
    ft.dk (the official site of the Danish parliament) has an identifier string in the URL's of biographies of politicians. Politician's items can use this property and e.g. Wikipedia can automatically link the official biography on ft.dk. Some politicians are available under their real names lowercased (using non-ASCII characters), we should prefer those IDs. See the examples. If the first character is non-ASCII, you'll need to include the prefix as shown with Özlem. The reason a value of this property is not turned into a link automatically, is because there are multiple URLs for different domains that use this property; so one URL would have to choose between either Danish or English. See how [[w:Module:Ft.dk_link]] strips off a part of the ID before constructing the link. (English)
    0 references
    0 references
    0 references
