Seminars and conferences

konferencje.pngThe Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University of Warsaw organises many prestigious, cyclical conferences and seminars. Some of them take place in partnership with national and international associations and institutions, e.g., the National Bank of Poland (NBP) of the Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis.

We cordially invite researchers to take part in the events organised by the Faculty, which concern broadly understood economic sciences, from classical to modern aspects of economics and finance.



Schedule of conferences and seminars

Data/Date Wydarzenie/Event URL
2024-10-17 Nowy cykl seminariów z mikroekonomii dot. kwestii konkurencji i regulacji rynkowych Link
2024-10-14 2. sezon Spatial Warsaw Seminars Link
2024-10-02 Inauguracja WNE UW roku akademickiego 2024/2025 Link
2024-09-19 Konferencja Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis (SBCA) Link
2024-09-17 Warsaw Money-Macro-Finance Conference (ICEA) Link
2024-07-06 Graduacja Absolwentów WNE UW Link
2024-07-02 19. edycja konferencji „Warsaw International Economic Meeting” (WIEM). Link
2024-06-24 Nowy cykl seminariów na WNE UW - CEAPS Link
2024-06-13 7th Doctoral Workshop on the Economics of Digitization Link
2024-05-20 Wykład „Fraud susceptibility and preventions: Insights from behavioral science Link