State’s new wage law destroys more than 6,000 jobs in fast food
Delivery drivers laid off, plans made for menu price hikes
Delivery drivers laid off, plans made for menu price hikes
Strikes Boeing plea deal over special requirements for monitor
‘There’s a great feeling you get when reporting on your fellow citizens to the state. It’s a warm, fuzzy feeling knowing you’ve done the state a valuable service’
‘I got a very simple message for you. If they can come for me, if they can come for Donald Trump. Be careful. They will come for you’
‘It’s far more common than you might think. Thousands of Americans have had their accounts closed with little warning or explanation’
Says tariffs would remain in effect ‘until such time as Drugs, in particular Fentanyl, and all Illegal Aliens stop this Invasion of our Country!’
‘Every decision comes from a place of wanting to foster a sense of belonging, to open doors to opportunities for all our associates, customers and suppliers’
‘We’ve said for nearly 18 months that our top priorities are improving quality and lowering our costs’
‘Landslide’ 56% to 43% margin among all self-identified members of faith
‘That is completely out the window. Pam Bondi is exactly what I was saying in the last segment that we should all fear, because she’s competent’
Auto company claims ‘the story’s still unfolding’ in response to backlash online
‘Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter and its transformation into X cannot be underestimated. It’s become the place ‘journalism’s’ lies come to die, vanquished in real time by average Americans’
‘High-paid personalities like Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer’ already have serious issue
Threatens: ‘Clearly, the approach of trying to model, speak aggressively, and ‘teach’ others is not sufficient’
For Home Depot founder, ‘entrepreneurialism isn’t a choice, it’s a state of mind’
Experts say China ‘rattled’ by incoming administration’s plans
The economic growth in the second quarter had improved compared to the lackluster growth in the first quarter, which measured at an annual rate of 1.4% after being updated from an initial estimate of 1.6%
‘The problem is, people don’t know why the decision was made. We basically know the decision was made but we don’t know what led to it’
‘California is the entertainment capital of the world, rooted in decades of creativity, innovation, and unparalleled talent’
‘We will not allow the enemy to come in and take our jobs and take our factories and take our workers and take our families, unless they pay a big price. And the big price is tariffs’
‘Which has destroyed the lives of more Americans: Iran and Russia, or our domestic credit card companies?’
Nearly 3 in 4 say benefits should support adoption, infertility treatments, more
‘American households are scaling a mountain of debt, thanks to the inflation crisis brought to us by the Biden-Harris administration’
‘I’m here for the moms, all the moms, who struggle to feed their children healthy food without added chemicals’
How’d Trump do it? Here’s his secret weapon
Wayne Allyn Root