To give you an overview of what open source libraries are available for a given task we group projects for common problems into categories.
The catalog itself is available for contributions on GitHub.
The Ruby Toolbox is a catalog of all Rubygems that keeps track of popularity and health metrics to help you choose a reliable library
To give you an overview of what open source libraries are available for a given task we group projects for common problems into categories.
The catalog itself is available for contributions on GitHub.
With our search you can find Ruby open source libraries beyond what is listed in our categories.
We index all Rubygems published on
We sort projects based on their popularity in the Ruby community - Rubygem downloads as well as popularity of the source code repository on GitHub.
This helps to identify projects that have a big user base, which is an indicator of project stability, maturity and maintenance.
We assess the maintenance status of projects based on recent activity like package releases, commit activity or open issue counts and display colored indicators based on that.
This gives you a quick overview of the health of a project.
Web App Frameworks
Scripting Frameworks
Amazon Web Services
JSON Parsers
Test Frameworks
HTTP clients
E-Mail Delivery
Template Engines
Browser testing
JavaScript Tools
Ruby Core Extensions
Concurrent Processing
Web Authentication
File Uploads
Web Servers
Rails Search Filters
Rails Search Engines
Command Line Logger
Chat Bots & ChatOps