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Edna Wallace

Edna Wallace

Education Consultant


BA, Psychology, Elmhurst College


Edna Wallace is a k-12 and higher education expert within RTI’s Education and Workforce Development division. She has advised school districts and state policymakers on teacher preparation, college and career readiness, and school accountability. Currently, she focuses on supporting school districts to implement evidence-based policies that improve teaching and learning.

Prior to joining RTI, Ms. Wallace was the senior director of policy and partnerships at NC New Schools, where she led this organization’s policy, advocacy and strategic partnerships. While at NC New Schools, Wallace established a peer learning network of superintendents and chief academic officers to foster the knowledge and skills of school district leaders needed to lead dynamic school districts. She also researched and advanced policies to improve public education in North Carolina. Prior to NC New Schools, Wallace was a policy advisor at UNC Charlotte. There she focused on policies to increase university access to more first-generation college-going students.

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