TMiR 2025-02: Updated new project docs
Join Carl, Mark, and Mo as we break down This Month in React. We'll break down what's new in an hour-long conversation.
- Monday, February 24th, 2025
Main Stage on Reactiflux
- Transcript
We host one or two Q&A’s per month with Facebook Engineers and other interesting developers in the React community. These Q&A’s usually take place on Thursdays from 1pm - 2pm PT.
If you want to hear from someone specific in the community, let us know by contacting us via X or ping an admin or moderator in the #reactiflux-moderation channel on discord.
Join Carl, Mark, and Mo as we break down This Month in React. We'll break down what's new in an hour-long conversation.
Main Stage on Reactiflux
Join Carl, Mark, and Mo as we break down This Month in React. We'll break down what's new in an hour-long conversation.
Main Stage on Reactiflux
Join Carl, Mark, and Mo as we break down This Month in React. We'll break down what's new in an hour-long conversation.
Main Stage on Reactiflux
Join Carl, Mark, and Mo as we break down This Month in React. We'll break down what's new in an hour-long conversation.
Main Stage on Reactiflux
Join Carl, Mark, and Mo as we break down This Month in React. We'll break down what's new in an hour-long conversation.
Main Stage on Reactiflux
Join Carl Vitullo, Mark Erikson, and Mo Khazali as we break down This Month in React. We'll break down what's new in an hour-long conversation.
Main Stage on Reactiflux
Join Carl Vitullo, Mark Erikson, and Mo Khazali as we break down This Month in React. We'll break down what's new in an hour-long conversation.
Main Stage on Reactiflux
Join Carl Vitullo, Mark Erikson, and Mo Khazali as we break down This Month in React. We'll break down what's new in an hour-long conversation.
Main Stage on Reactiflux
Join Carl Vitullo, Mark Erikson, and Mo Khazali as we break down This Month in React. We'll break down what's new in an hour-long conversation.
Main Stage on Reactiflux
Join Carl Vitullo, Mark Erikson, and Mo Khazali as we break down This Month in React. We'll break down what's new in an hour-long conversation.
Main Stage on Reactiflux
Join Carl Vitullo and Mark Erikson as we break down This Month in React. We'll break down what's new in an hour-long conversation.
Main Stage on Reactiflux
Join Carl Vitullo and Mark Erikson as we break down This Month in React. We'll break down what's new in an hour-long conversation.
Main Stage on Reactiflux
Join Carl Vitullo and Mark Erikson as we break down This Month in React. We'll break down what's new in an hour-long conversation.
Main Stage on Reactiflux
Join Carl Vitullo and Mark Erikson as we break down This Month in React. We'll break down what's new in an hour-long conversation.
Main Stage on Reactiflux
Join Carl Vitullo and Mark Erikson as we break down This Month in React. We'll break down what's new in an hour-long conversation.
Main Stage on Reactiflux
Join Carl Vitullo and Mark Erikson as we break down This Month in React. We'll break down what's new in an hour-long conversation.
Main Stage on Reactiflux
Join Carl Vitullo, and Mark Erikson as we break down This Month in React. We'll break down what's new in an hour-long conversation about React Forget, Canary Releases, Barrel Files, TanStack v5, Yarn v4, and a preview of RTK Query v2.
Main Stage on Reactiflux
Join Carl Vitullo, Jacob Paris, and Sebastien Lorber as we break down This Month in React. We'll break down what's new in an hour-long conversation.
Main Stage on Reactiflux
Join Carl Vitullo, Mark Erikson, and Sebastien Lorber as we break down This Month in React. We'll break down what's new in an hour-long conversation.
Main Stage on Reactiflux
Join Carl Vitullo, Mark Erikson, and Sebastien Lorber as we break down This Month in React. We'll break down what's new in an hour-long conversation.
Main Stage on Reactiflux
Drawing on Jenny’s experience working at a highly-productive startup, join us as Carl Vitullo talks with her about how burnout can manifest, how it can impact our lives in unexpected ways, and how we can manage the energy we give work to thrive without burning out.
Main Stage on Reactiflux
Join Carl Vitullo, Mark Erikson, and Sebastien Lorber as we break down This Month in React. We'll break down what's new in an hour-long conversation.
Main Stage on Reactiflux
Developing software requires a lot of communication with other developers, with other teams and divisions, with managers or less experienced developers. Carl Vitullo is joined by Elizabeth Woolf to talk communication and feedback.
Reactiflux main stage
Michelle Bakels is co-organizer of React Miami and Program Director of Developer Health at G2i, a hiring platform for Javascript and React developers with deep ties to Reactiflux! We talked about the upcoming conference, how speakers are selected, and how developer health was core to the conference. Learn more at, and if you buy a ticket, use our discount code REACTIFLUX10.
Q&A Channel on Reactiflux
Join Carl Vitullo, Mark Erikson, and Matt Pocock as we break down This Month in React. A lot of news this month, with new library releases, TypeScript 5.1, and React server components. We'll break down what's new in an hour-long conversation.
Q&A Channel on Reactiflux
Join Carl Vitullo, Mark Erikson, and Matt Pocock as we break down This Month in React. A lot of news this month, with a major progress update from the React core team, TypeScript 5.0, and TC39 meeting news. We'll break down what's new in an hour-long conversation.
Q&A Channel on Reactiflux
Rewrites! Everyone wants to do one, but the software industry is littered with examples of failed rewrites. Our host Carl Vitullo is joined by Mark Erikson and Sunil Pai to talk shop about what they’ve looked like in our careers, and how to help make sure they’ll be successful.
Q&A Channel on Reactiflux
When Ankita became a manager, she had to find mentors to help her learn the subtle intricacies of being a successful manager. Now, she’s taking what she learned and teaching developers about what that transition looks like, and how to decide if that’s how you’d like to further your career.
Q&A Channel on Reactiflux
A documentary about React, produced by, was released on February 10th, and Carl Vitullo spoke with two of the people instrumental in making it happen: Ida Bechtle, staff filmmaker from Honeypot; and Christopher Chedeau, whose contributions to the React and JS ecosystem are nearly innumerable — React, React Native, Prettier, Docusaurus, Excalidraw, and more. We talked about the documentary itself, how it got made, and some other behind-the-scenes info — an unofficial “DVD commentary” for the documentary.
Stage Channel on Reactiflux
Josh Comeau is an indie hacker, educator, and long-time member of the React community. He has a brilliant way of intuitively explaining complex subjects, and we're excited to talk with him about content creation, his experiences being an independent educator, and his new course, Joy of React Join us as we talk about his content creation process and journey through the tech industry!
Stage Channel on Reactiflux
Tejas has worked in developer relations for years at companies like Vercel, Spotify, Xata, and G2i, and is now an independent educator and content creator. He's a mentor, keynote speaker, and angel investor, and we're exited to talk tech! He's super interested in edge computing, Qwik, and React. He and Carl talked about why he's starting a company, not letting fear of failure stop you from trying, investing, and about keeping the focus in devrel on relationships.
Stage Channel on Reactiflux
Wix has been making web development more accessible since 2006, and they're currently celebrating the release of their new project Codux, a visual IDE for React. We're excited to talk about the history of our industry and what we can learn from the golden age of frontend development.
Stage Channel on Reactiflux
Matt Pocock is an educator building content and workshops to help developers become TypeScript wizards.
Stage Channel on Reactiflux
Yshay Yaacobi and Assaf Krintza cofounder and CTO | cofounder and VP of R&D — discussing React, web development, and working as software developers
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Program Director @g2i_co — creating community-focused solutions for developer health | co-organizer @ReactMiamiConf | Chair @CodePalmBeach
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Founder @ – Visual software modeling tools and services for making app logic more accessible and robust.
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Founder & Tech Lead @ - Postgres-backed GraphQL backend as a service | Topic: Building a high-performance GraphQL engine for Postgres
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Tabnine is building a top-to-bottom AI-assisted development workflow that empowers all code creators, in all languages, from concept through to completion.
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Building, the future of app development!
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Software Engineer @ConvertKit
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Leads Developer Advocacy @awsamplify // co-host @ladybugpodcast // blogger welearncode // Python + Javascript engineer // advisor polyworkhq
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Award-winning dev edutainer: · - Head of DevRel @Rapid_API - @GoogleDevs Expert - @Nodejs Outreach - @WordPress Core
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
@RenderATL && @RebuildingBlack Founder, Senior Engineer at @mailchimp - @msstate #BlackTechTwitter
Q&A Stage Channel Reactiflux
A web platform for modern websites and applications
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Teaches JS/GraphQL/React at @moonhighway + @eggheadio + @li_learning and author of @oreillymedia’s Learning React + Learning GraphQL
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Senior Staff OSS Engineer at @apollographql, host of the single-threaded podcast, and organizer of #WomenOfReact2020 + @useReactNYC
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
The team from will be on to answer all your questions! Sentrys application monitoring platform helps every developer diagnose, fix, & optimize the performance of their code.
Q&A Channel on Reactiflux
Engineer @ GatsbyJS. Creator of styled-components & react-boilerplate. Maker of Bedrock & Feedback Fish
Q&A Channel on Reactiflux
Maël Nison and Paul Soporan
Lead maintainer and core contributor from the Yarn Team
Q&A Channel on Reactiflux
The team that creates Wallaby.js and Quokka.js will be on to answer questions about their products, JavaScript/TypeScript testing, and how they create software development tools.
LIVE on YouTube + Q&A Channel on Reactiflux
Creator of Formik, Razzle, TSDX, and more. Founder of Formium and host of The Undefined Podcast
Q&A Channel on Reactiflux
Author of The Developers Guide to Content Creation and much more. Senior PM & Content Strategist with an MSc in UXD. I help developers become better content creators. Pronounced moh-REE-yoh.
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Maintainers of Storybook
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Founder @ React Native Training | Host of React Native Radio | Author of React Native in Action
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Author of Recoil
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Open Source developer known recently for react-query and react-virtual, and many other open source libraries.
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Creator of Blitz.js, a monolithic React framework built on top of Next.js
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Senior Developer Advocate at AWS Mobile and author of Cracking The Coding Career
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Daniel Rosenwasser (Program Manager), Ryan Cavanaugh (Engineering Lead), Nathan Shively-Sanders (Compiler Engineer), Andrew Branch (Compiler Engineer), Orta Therox (Compiler Engineer)
The team from Microsoft working on TypeScript will be on to answer all your TS related questions! TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Eric, Harini, and Paul are engineers @ Microsoft. They will be on to discuss their work on React Native for Windows
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Frank is a Senior Software Engineer at Infinite Red, Organizer at Chain React Conference, and Editor-in-Chief of The React Native Newsletter. Gant is CTS of Infinite Red, Organizer @ChainReactConf, Open Sourcerer (Ignite, Reactotron, etc).
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
React Rally is a two day single track conference for developers of all backgrounds using Facebook's React.js, React Native, and related tools. Speakers will cover topics such as React Native, Flux, ES6, isomorphic universal JavaScript, and so much more. Whether you're a seasoned developer who has been using React since before it was cool, or a newcomer to the scene, React Rally has something for everyone!
Salt Lake City, UT
Bob is the team lead of the Mobile Content-Editing team at Squarespace. Craig is the team lead of the Design Platform team.
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
@clubhouse - Eli Perkins, Jenel Myers, Nicolas Charpentier from the mobile team @
Clubhouse is a project management platform for software development that brings everyone together to build better products. Clubhouse is built using tools like React Native, React, Relay, GraphQL, Gatsby and more.
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Developer Relations @
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Conrad is the co-founder & CTO @ Superhuman. Superhuman is an amazing email client built with React/Electron. It's basically VIM for email.
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
React Native core contributor. Co-founder @ th3rdwave.
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Founder of React Academy. Working on @twizzyapp, @sizzyapp, @jsui_app, and
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
React Router Co-Author |
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Engineer @ Paypal, Teaching via Egghead & Frontendmasters, and Author of react-testing-library, downshift, glamorous, & an all around good dude.
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Co-Founder & CTO @ Infinite Red, React Native Core, Chain React: The React Native Conference Organizer
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Founder of Gatsby.js
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Design Systems Lead @ Segment, spearheading the design, development and adoption of Segment's open-source design system, Evergreen
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Henderson, Nevada
Engineering Janitor at Artsy | Created Danger: which helps codify PR culture, co-runs an iOS dependency manager, Re-designer - Two Years of React Native by Orta Therox
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Engineering Manager for React.js Team @ Facebook | The React Podcast – Episode #11 - Inside React with Sophie Alpert
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Maintainer of PostGraphile - fast and secure GraphQL API for your PostgreSQL database (formerly known as PostGraphQL)
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Software Engineer @ Symantec | Author of React Native DOM, iO-808, and Amateur Music Producer
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Senior Frontend Consultant @ Xebia | Maintainer of Storybook
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
VP of UI/UX @ | Author of React-Static, React-Table, React-Charts, Chart.js, React-Form, Swimmer
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Senior Technical Product Manager @ Amazon Web Services (AWS) | Focusing on developer experience in AWS Mobile (JavaScript, React, React Native, Ionic, GraphQL, Offline and Realtime development). Working on AWS AppSync, a GraphQL BaaS. | GraphQL at scale with AWS @ React Amsterdam
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Open Source Engineers @ Apollo | Building Apollo Client, Engine, Server, and other tools to help you incrementally adopt GraphQL.
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Engineering Lead @ The Palmer Group | Author of Formik, Razzle, Backpack, react-fns, After.js, etc.
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Engineer @ Facebook working on Nuclide | Author of Winamp2-js
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Tech Lead @ Pinterest | Pinterest PWA built w/ React - Performance Case Study
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
We have space for 200 people! This will be a networking/hangout event, no speakers.
144 Townsend St · San Francisco, CA - Ring the doorbell at our front entrance and we'll come let you in.
Sacha Greif is a designer/developer living in Japan. Author of VulcanJS, the React + GraphQL framework. | Vulcan Docs | What is Vulcan? | An app in 15 days with VulcanJS
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Co-Founders of Graphcool. A Serverless GraphQL backend for frontend developers. Graphcool also created Learn Relay/Learn Apollo and organizes the GraphQL-Europe conference.
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Engineers @ Microsoft/Skype developing ReactXP (
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Engineer @ Twitter | Creator of react-native-web
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
React Native Core Team @ Facebook
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Tech lead on the UI team @Major League Soccer. Organizer of @NYCGraphQL.
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Founder @ React Native Training | Host of React Native Radio | Author of React Native in Action
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Founder @ | Co-Founder | More About Charlie
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Engineer at Adobe (Behance Team) · Babel Maintainer
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Engineer at Facebook London · Jest · Yarn · RNP
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Engineer at Airbnb heavily involved in React Native (Enzyme, React-Native Maps, Lottie, Animated etc.)
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Co-Founders of Graphcool. A Serverless GraphQL backend for frontend developers. Graphcool also created Learn Relay/Learn Apollo and organizes the GraphQL-Europe conference.
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
React.js Core Team at Facebook. Creator of react-virtualized
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Co-Founders of GraphQL BaaS,
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
React.js Core Team at Facebook. Co-creator of Redux. Creator of Recompose
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Watch React Conf 2017 livestreamed on March 13-14.
React.js Creator
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Facebook Engineer focused on Reason &
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
React Router Co-Author |
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Facebook React Core Team
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Engineer @ Facebook, working on Relay & GraphQL
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
@leeb | Codementor AMA
Facebook Engineer - GraphQL Co-Creator
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Microsoft Visual Studio/CodePush Team | Topic is React Native continuous delivery with VSTS (Visual Studio Team Services), CodePush and HockeyApp.
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
React Native Core Contributor | RNPM Author | Topic is native modules, installing dependencies, tooling & native shipping
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Facebook React.js Core Team
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Deco Software | Topic is Deco their awesome React Native IDE
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Facebook React Native Core Team
#react-native Channel Reactiflux
Facebook React.js Core Team
Q&A Channel Reactiflux
Facebook Engineer
Q&A Channel Reactiflux