Intelligent IoT Motes: Preventing Their Abuse at the Weakest Entry Point. Ghosh, S., Misoczki, R., & Sastry, M. (2019). Intelligent IoT motes: Preventing their abuse at the weakest entry point. IEEE Design & Test, 36(2), 73-80.
The computer for the 21st century: present security & privacy challenges. Oliveira, L. B., Pereira, F. M. Q., Misoczki, R., Aranha, D. F., Borges, F., Nogueira, M., ... & Liu, J. (2018). The computer for the 21st century: present security & privacy challenges. Journal of Internet Services and Applications, 9, 1-25.
Leveraging mm-Wave Communication for Security. Karmoose, M., Fragouli, C., Diggavi, S., Misoczki, R., Yang, L. L., & Zhang, Z. (2018). Leveraging mm-wave communication for security. arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.08188.
Remote Attestation for Low-End Prover Devices with Post-Quantum Capabilities. Liu, X., Misoczki, R., & Sastry, M. R. (2018, March). Remote attestation for low-end prover devices with post-quantum capabilities. In Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (pp. 84-94).
A cm-scale self-powered intelligent and secure IoT edge mote featuring an ultra-low-power SoC in 14nm tri-gate CMOS. Karnik, T., Kurian, D., Aseron, P., Dorrance, R., Alpman, E., Nicoara, A., ... & De, V. (2018, February). A cm-scale self-powered intelligent and secure IoT edge mote featuring an ultra-low-power SoC in 14nm tri-gate CMOS. In 2018 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference-(ISSCC) (pp. 46-48). IEEE.
G-Merkle: A Hash-Based Group Signature Scheme From Standard Assumptions. El Bansarkhani, R., & Misoczki, R. (2018, April). G-Merkle: A hash-based group signature scheme from standard assumptions. In Post-Quantum Cryptography: 9th International Conference, PQCrypto 2018, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, April 9-11, 2018, Proceedings (pp. 441-463). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
BIKE: Bit Flipping Key Encapsulation. Aragon, N., Barreto, P. S., Bettaieb, S., Bidoux, L., Blazy, O., Deneuville, J. C., ... & Zemor, G. (2017). BIKE: bit flipping key encapsulation.
CAKE: Code-based Algorithm for Key Encapsulation. Barreto, P. S., Gueron, S., Güneysu, T., Misoczki, R., Persichetti, E., Sendrier, N., & Tillich, J. P. (2017). CAKE: C ode-Based A lgorithm for K ey E ncapsulation. In Cryptography and Coding: 16th IMA International Conference, IMACC 2017, Oxford, UK, December 12-14, 2017, Proceedings 16 (pp. 207-226). Springer International Publishing.
The computer for the 21st century: Security & privacy challenges after 25 years. Oliveira, L. B., Pereira, F. M. Q., Misoczki, R., Aranha, D. F., Borges, F., & Liu, J. (2017, July). The computer for the 21st century: security & privacy challenges after 25 years. In 2017 26th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN) (pp. 1-10). IEEE.
Lightweight block cipher circuits for automotive and iot sensor devices. Ghosh, S., Misoczki, R., Zhao, L., & Sastry, M. R. (2017). Lightweight block cipher circuits for automotive and iot sensor devices. In Proceedings of the Hardware and Architectural Support for Security and Privacy (pp. 1-7).
Classic McEliece. Bernstein, D. J., Chou, T., Lange, T., von Maurich, I., Misoczki, R., Niederhagen, R., ... & Wang, W. (2017). Classic McEliece: conservative code-based cryptography. NIST submissions.
Subgroup security in pairing-based cryptography. Barreto, P. S., Costello, C., Misoczki, R., Naehrig, M., Pereira, G. C., & Zanon, G. (2015). Subgroup security in pairing-based cryptography. In Progress in Cryptology--LATINCRYPT 2015: 4th International Conference on Cryptology and Information Security in Latin America, Guadalajara, Mexico, August 23-26, 2015, Proceedings 4 (pp. 245-265). Springer International Publishing.
Scaling efficient code-based cryptosystems for embedded platforms. Biasi, F. P., Barreto, P. S., Misoczki, R., & Ruggiero, W. V. (2014). Scaling efficient code-based cryptosystems for embedded platforms. Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, 4(2), 123-134.
Two Approaches for Achieving Efficient Code-Based Cryptosystems. Misoczki, R. (2013). Two for Achieving Efficient Code-Based Cryptosystems (Doctoral dissertation, Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris VI).
Decoding Square-Free Goppa Codes Over $\BBF_ {p} $. Barreto, P. S., Misoczki, R., & Lindner, R. (2013). Decoding Square-Free Goppa Codes Over $\BBF_ {p} $. IEEE transactions on information theory, 59(10), 6851-6858.
MDPC-McEliece: New McEliece variants from moderate density parity-check codes. Misoczki, R., Tillich, J. P., Sendrier, N., & Barreto, P. S. (2013, July). MDPC-McEliece: New McEliece variants from moderate density parity-check codes. In 2013 IEEE international symposium on information theory (pp. 2069-2073). IEEE.
Monoidic Codes in Cryptography. Barreto, Paulo SLM, Richard Lindner, and Rafael Misoczki. "Monoidic Codes in Cryptography." PQCrypto 7071 (2011): 179-199.
One-time signature scheme from syndrome decoding over generic error-correcting codes. Barreto, Paulo SLM, Rafael Misoczki, and Marcos A. Simplicio Jr. "One-time signature scheme from syndrome decoding over generic error-correcting codes." Journal of Systems and Software 84.2 (2011): 198-204.
One-time signature scheme from syndrome decoding over generic error-correcting codes. Barreto, Paulo SLM, Rafael Misoczki, and Marcos A. Simplicio Jr. "One-time signature scheme from syndrome decoding over generic error-correcting codes." Journal of Systems and Software 84.2 (2011): 198-204.
Quasi-dyadic CFS signatures. Barreto, Paulo SLM, et al. "Quasi-dyadic CFS signatures." Information Security and Cryptology: 6th International Conference, Inscrypt 2010, Shanghai, China, October 20-24, 2010, Revised Selected Papers 6. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
Uma família de códigos corretores de erro para criptossistemas eficientes baseados em decodificação de síndromes. Misoczki, Rafael. Uma família de códigos corretores de erro para criptossistemas eficientes baseados em decodificação de síndromes. Diss. Universidade de São Paulo, 2010.
Compact McEliece keys from Goppa codes. Misoczki, Rafael, and Paulo SLM Barreto. "Compact McEliece keys from Goppa codes." Selected Areas in Cryptography: 16th Annual International Workshop, SAC 2009, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, August 13-14, 2009, Revised Selected Papers 16. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.