If you're reading this, you are more than likely being pressed into service as a database architect. This can befall you any number of ways: you might be a developer or analyst tasked with your first (or fortieth) improvement or patch job on an existing data model, or you could be staring down the blank canvas of an empty database like a rookie matador. Two things are certain: first, information needs to be stored and retrieved, as efficiently and conveniently as possible; and second, you're the one who needs to make it work. This guide will help you get to grips with modeling information and producing durable and maintainable database schema designs. We'll concentrate on relational databases for the most part, so you should come into this with a basic grasp of storing and retrieving data with SQL. Ideally, you'll have a database of your own to experiment in; examples will be given for PostgreSQL, a free and open-source database management system.
So: data modeling. Like everything else in computing, it's math once you get right down to it. However, its day-to-day practice is almost entirely abstracted to the level of structuring and managing information as it flows through various systems. We'll touch on some of the mathy fundamentals of sets and predicates later on, but the database designer must solve problems of legibility and maintainability as much as of raw mathematical efficiency. As Heinz Klein and Kalle Lyytinen put it thirty years ago,
This is intended eventually to be a complete crash course in (relational, although not ignoring others) designing data models. For now, we're publishing parts as they're written, and concentrating first on situating databases and data modeling problems in an organization and systems design context, as well as covering some of the less-prominent areas of database functionality.
If you want to learn more about what data modeling means in the context of Prisma, visit our conceptual page on data modeling.
You can also learn about the specific data model component of a Prisma schema in the data model section of the Prisma documentation.