Lived In Worcester MA, Manchaug MA, Oneonta NY, Mount Laurel NJ
Related To Jennifer Raffo, Lauren Raffo, John RaffoAlso known as Jaclyn D Mayo, Jackie Raffo
Includes Address(19) Phone(11) Email(6)
Lived In Mount Laurel NJ, Philadelphia PA, Worcester MA, Westborough MA
Related To Jaclyn Raffo, John Raffo, Lauren RaffoAlso known as Jaclyn A Raffo, Jenny A Raffo, Allison Raffo, Jackie RaffoIncludes Address(24) Phone(12) Email(12)
Lived In Wenonah NJ, Pitman NJ, Mount Laurel NJ, Paulsboro NJ
Related To Lauren Raffo, Jennifer Raffo, Margaret Raffo, John Raffo, Jaclyn RaffoAlso known as John D Farro, John N Raffo, Jaclyn D Raffo, Jennifer A RaffoIncludes Address(12) Phone(4) Email(2)
Demographic Info for Jaclyn Raffo
Statistics based on US Census data for all 3 people with this name.
38 yrs
100% are in their 30s, while the average age is 38.
Our wealth data indicates income average is $95k.
0% of these people are married, and 100% are single.